ATM-MET system acquiring, generating, assembling and providing Meteorological (MET) information to the SWIM network and in a SWIM compliant manner to support all actors in Airport and final approach related operations and consistent with information relevant for other operational user environments such as En-route and Network operations. The system capability mainly targets a 'time to decision' horizon less than 3 minutes.
Code | Title | Related Elements | |
MET-0301 | Enhanced MET observations, nowcasts and forecasts provided by ATM-MET systems for Step 3 |
Relationship | Code | Title | Related Elements |
Has predecessor
METEO-04c | Generate and provide MET information relevant for Airport and approach related operations at short notice ('time to decision' between 3 minutes and 7days) including rotorcraft and RPAS |
Code | Title | Related Elements |
ANSP | Air Navigation Service Provider | |
AU | Airspace User |