The enabler enhances the capabilities of the FOC in regard to the monitoring of the flight and will improve the capabilities in regard to the calculation and prediction of the future development of the trajectory. Apart from that the monitoring of the adherance of the aircraft to the agreed trajectory will ensure safety and flight efficiency throughout the whole flight lifecycle. While SESAR only refers to the operations within the ECAC area the ADD (aircraft derived data) can also be used as additional data in the context of the GADSS initiative that requests FOC to record the flown trajectory and to provide this data to SAR organizations in case of any accident. The respective information can be received from a service providing CPR (correlated postition report) data or from surveillance infrastructure systems.
Code | Title | Related Elements | |
IS-0302 | Use of Aircraft Derived Data (ADD) to enhance ATM ground system performance. |
Code | Title | Related Elements |
AU | Airspace User |