eATM Portal

AU-CIV-BA-F - Civil Business Aviation-Fixed Wing

A company or an individual using fixed-wing aircraft as tools in the conduct of their business.

Parent Stakeholder

Child Stakeholders: No associated data


Code Title IOC Related Elements Analysis
A/C-01b Aircraft capability to support Multiple Constellation / Multiple Frequency SBAS LPV 100 Analysis
A/C-02a Enhanced positioning using GBAS single frequency 31-12-2025 Analysis
A/C-02b Enhanced positioning using multi constellation GNSS dual frequency 31-12-2026 Analysis
  A/C-02c Enhanced Vertical positioning based on GNSS extended to TMA operation 31-12-2030 Analysis
A/C-04 Flight management and guidance for improved lateral navigation in approach via RNP 31-12-2007 Analysis
A/C-04a Flight management and guidance for Advanced RNP 31-12-2019 Analysis
A/C-06 Flight management and guidance for LPV approach based on SBAS 31-12-2020 Analysis
A/C-07 Flight management and guidance for RNP transition to ILS/GLS/LPV 31-12-2020 Analysis
A/C-11 Flight management and guidance for improved single time constraint achievement (CTA/CTO) 31-12-2022 Analysis
A/C-22 Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS) 31-12-2017 Analysis
  A/C-23a Synthetic vision in low visibility conditions 31-12-2023 Analysis
A/C-23b1 Combined Vision for Equivalent Visual Landing operations in LVC with HMD 30-09-2023 Analysis
A/C-23b2 Combined Vision for Equivalent Visual Taxi operations in LVC 30-09-2023 Analysis
A/C-23b3 Combined Vision for Equivalent Visual Take-off operations in LVC Analysis
A/C-24 Airport moving map and own aircraft position display in cockpit. 31-12-2013 Analysis
A/C-25 Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness to support surface operations (ATSA-SURF), including reception (ADS-B in), processing and display Analysis
A/C-26 Airborne traffic situational awareness to support in flight operations (ATSA-AIRB), including reception (ADS-B in), processing and display 31-12-2015 Analysis
A/C-27 Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness to support enhanced Visual Separation on Approach (ATSA-VSA), including reception (ADS-B in), processing and display 31-12-2015 Analysis
A/C-27a Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness to support CDTI Assisted operations (ATSA-CAVS/CAPP), including reception (ADS-B In), processing, display, and alerts 31-12-2025 Analysis
A/C-28 Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness to support In-Trail Procedure (ATSA-ITP), including reception (ADS-B in), processing and display 31-12-2015 Analysis
A/C-30a On-board prediction of wake turbulences based on aircraft data exchange 31-08-2023 Analysis
A/C-30b On-board detection of wake-turbulences based on on-board sensor (e.g. LIDAR) 31-12-2020 Analysis
A/C-30c Onboard Detection of Wake Turbulence Encounters 31-08-2023 Analysis
A/C-31 Data link exchange compliant with Link 2000+ 31-12-2011 Analysis
A/C-31a Controller pilot data link communication (CPDLC) compliant with ATN baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) 31-12-2017 Analysis
A/C-31c Exchange of clearances or instructions (ASEP) Analysis
A/C-31d Uplink of clearances or instructions (SSEP) Analysis
A/C-33a Class B SATCOM 31-12-2020 Analysis
A/C-37a Downlink of trajectory data according to contract terms (ADS-C) compliant to ATN baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) 31-12-2021 Analysis
A/C-39 Flight Management and Guidance for Adaptive Increased Glide Slope (A-IGS) 31-08-2023 Analysis
A/C-40 Uplink of an area dynamically activated and not existing in on-board data base Analysis
A/C-41 Flight Management and Guidance for Double Slope Approach 31-12-2029 Analysis
A/C-42a On-board graphical display of taxi clearance (up linked or via voice) using common air/ground airport database Analysis
A/C-42b On-board management of target times 31-12-2020 Analysis
A/C-42c On-board management of dynamic update of runway/taxiway status 31-12-2025 Analysis
A/C-43a1 Traffic Alerts for Pilots during Runway Operations 30-07-2023 Analysis
A/C-43a2 Traffic Alerts for Pilots during Taxiway Operations 30-07-2023 Analysis
A/C-43b On-board Alerts on Airport Surface Related to the Conformance to Clearances 31-12-2025 Analysis
A/C-43c On-board Alerts on Airport Surface Related to the Compliance to the Airport Configuration 31-12-2025 Analysis
A/C-45 Air ground data link exchange of ATIS via ACARS 31-12-2007 Analysis
A/C-47 On-board management of meteorological data from on-board sensors for sharing and integration by ATM and ATM-MET systems 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-48a Air broadcast of aircraft position/vector (ADS-B OUT) compliant with DO260B 31-12-2011 Analysis
A/C-53 Flight management and guidance to support NADP 31-12-2008 Analysis
A/C-54a Enhanced Airborne Collision Avoidance (ACAS) 31-12-2025 Analysis
  A/C-54a0 Extended Hybrid Surveillance 31-12-2020 Analysis
A/C-54b ACAS adaptation to new separation modes 31-12-2020 Analysis
A/C-56a Flight management and guidance for Precision Approach GBAS CATII/III using GPS L1 31-12-2020 Analysis
A/C-57 On-board migration from existing air-ground data link to air-ground SWIM for AIS/MET services 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-57a Management of MET, and AIM and other operational Information for use in aircraft control domain 01-12-2027 Analysis
A/C-59 New ADS-B solution to increase the capacity of data broadcasted 31-12-2027 Analysis
A/C-65 On-board surface collision avoidance system Analysis
A/C-67 ADS-B IN 30-07-2023 Analysis
A/C-68 On-board Traffic situation processing and display for ASAS separation applications, including reception (ADS-B in) Analysis
A/C-69a Information Domain application for improved aircraft vertical profile in cruise Analysis
A/C-73 Energy monitoring system during approach and landing to avoid runway excursion for dry or wet runway 31-12-2024 Analysis
A/C-74 Energy monitoring system during approach and landing to avoid runway excursion for any kind of contamination on runway surface 31-12-2024 Analysis
A/C-75 Take-off system monitoring to avoid runway excursion Analysis
  A/C-81 Flight management and guidance for Curved procedures 31-12-2030 Analysis
A/C-82 Aircraft predicted runway occupancy time downlinked to ATC 31-12-2022 Analysis
A/C-84 Braking Action Computation Function in On-board Braking Action Computation System 31-12-2024 Analysis
A/C-86 On-board assistance to aircraft energy management 31-08-2023 Analysis
A/C-87 On-board assistance to flare 31-08-2023 Analysis
AIMS-23 Enhanced digital data chain to ensure Aeronautical Information data provision to meet full 4D trajectory management requirements 31-12-2023 Analysis
  CTE-C02d New Airport Datalink technology (AEROMACS) 31-12-2022 Analysis
CTE-C02d0 New Airport Datalink technology (AEROMACS) 31-12-2029 Analysis
CTE-S05 Gradual rationalisation of conventional surveillance infrastructure (ADS-B/WAM vs SSR and MSPSR vs PSR) 12-09-2018 Analysis
CTE-S06 Composite Surveillance Analysis
FOC-002 Assessment of real time ASM data 31-03-2028 Analysis
FOC-003 FOC capabilities to support advanced RNP operations Analysis
FOC-004 Optimised climb and descents path calculation in FOC Analysis
FOC-005 FOC capabilities to participate in UDPP Analysis
FOC-006 FOC flight lifecycle monitoring and situational awareness capabilities Analysis
FOC-007 Improved flight crew briefing through integration of digital data 31-12-2019 Analysis
FOC-008 Processing of ADD information for flight monitoring purposes 31-12-2022 Analysis
FOC-009 Improved trajectory planning through consideration of ground operation milestones and actual taxi time. 31-12-2020 Analysis
HUM-002 Human factors flight crews - Interval Management 31-12-2028 Analysis
METEO-04b Generate and provide MET information services relevant for Airport and final approach related operations (PCP) 01-07-2022 Analysis
METEO-04c Generate and provide MET information relevant for Airport and approach related operations at short notice ('time to decision' between 3 minutes and 7days) including rotorcraft and RPAS 31-12-2026 Analysis
METEO-04d Generate and provide MET information relevant for Airport and final approach for at shortest notice (less than 3 minutes 'time to decision' horizon) Analysis
METEO-05b Generate and provide MET information relevant for TMA and En-route related operations (PCP) 01-07-2022 Analysis
METEO-05c Generate and provide MET information relevant for TMA and En-route related operations at short notice ('time to decision' between 3 minutes and 7days), including for low-level IFR operations. 31-12-2026 Analysis
METEO-05d Generate and provide MET information relevant for TMA and En-route related operations at shortest notice (less than 3 minutes 'time to decision') Analysis
NIMS-31 B2B (Business to Business) Web Services - Flight Plan filing and management 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-028 Procedures to support AOP-NOP collaborative process 31-12-2019 Analysis
PRO-054a Operational procedures for separation management in En-Route using RNP specifications Analysis
PRO-062c Airline Operational Procedures implementing Best Practices for Prevention of Runway Incursions 31-12-2007 Analysis
PRO-201a Procedures linked to Improvement of Surveillance on the Manoeuvring Area on and around the Runway 31-12-2006 Analysis
PRO-246 Procedures for standardised response to Runway Status Lights 29-04-2021 Analysis
PRO-253 APOC Adverse Situation Collaboration Procedure with Remote Airports Analysis
SWIM-INFR-06c Air side SWIM technical infrastructure for Air-Ground Advisory Information Sharing 31-12-2028 Analysis