eATM Portal

INF09 — Digital Integrated Briefing

The AIS and MET information provided to pilots and dispatchers as pre-flight briefing products and services needs to become more user-friendly: easier to understand, better prioritised, with the aim to improve the pilot awareness and to reduce the workload. Traditionally, the pre-flight briefing takes the form of a “Pre-flight Information Bulletin (PIB), which may comprise up to 30-40 pages of NOTAM messages, all in upper case. Filtering and prioritisation are significantly limited by the free text nature of the NOTAM message. MET messages may be embedded in textual format as well, while weather maps are presented separately.

This implementation objective consists of an innovative approach to pilot briefing through the use of digital aeronautical data, in particular Digital NOTAM (encoded as “events” in AIXM format), and digital MET data (METAR, TAF, SIGMET in the ICAO iWXXM format). The AIS and MET information provided to pilots and dispatchers in the form of digital briefing products and services, will be merged (joint) with the geographical and planned flight trajectory information, and presented (visualised) in a graphical way.

The digital integrated briefing will introduce the following key changes:
- generation of the briefing products from digital aeronautical data (in particular from Digital NOTAM) instead of providing a list of NOTAM messages;
- extensive graphical presentation of the information that affects elements that are usually displayed on aeronautical maps (taxiway/runway/apron closures, navaids unserviceable, temporary obstacles, airspace restrictions, etc.);
- use of normal sentence case for the textual/tabular part of the briefing;
- joint presentation of the aeronautical and MET events that may have a combined effect on the flight trajectory (such as airspace restrictions and significant weather);
- the possibility for interactive briefing, thus allowing the pilot/dispatcher to highlight/prioritise information that is more relevant for each individual flight.

The digital integrated briefing is currently targeted for ground use (FOC/WOC, pre-flight briefing rooms and ARO offices). Some enablers (Digital NOTAM and digital MET data) support the use in the cockpit, in all phases of flight, while enablers for transmission into the cockpit are not yet mature (see IS-0206 Digital Integrated Briefing during flight execution phase).

NOTE: The following implementations like ‘Digital Aeronautical Data’, ‘Aeronautical Data Quality’, ‘Digital NOTAM’ are seen as prerequisite to the successful implementation of this INF09 objective. Their maturity/availability should be analysed before making INF09 an Active objective.

NOTE FOR MILITARY AUTHORITIES: It is the responsibility of each military authority to review this Objective IN ITS ENTIRETY and address each of the SLoAs that the military authority considers RELEVANT for itself. This has to be done on top and above of the review of "MIL" SLoAs which identify actions EXCLUSIVE to military authorities.

Air Navigation Service Provider / International Organisations and Regional Bodies / Network Manager


Related Elements

Applicability Area(s) and Timescales

Applicability area:
(Subject to local need)
Timescales From By Applicable to
Subject to local needs 31-05-2019

Links to SESAR Solutions

Links to PCP ATM Sub-Functionalities

ICAO Block Modules: No associated data


Applicable legislation
The EC implementing Regulation No 73/2010 (Aeronautical Data Quality) is going to be repealed by the EASA RMT.0477 for which EASA issued Opinion No 02/2018 (Specific requirements for providers of meteorological services, aeronautical information services/aeronautical information management) and which covers Digital NOTAM. ICAO Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation (including Amendment 77-A). ICAO Annex 15 Aeronautical Information Services Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aeronautical Information Management (PANS-AIM)
Applicable ICAO Annexes and other references
Deployment Programme 2022
Operating Environments

Expected Performance Benefits

The issue of very large PIB (20-30 pages for a cross-European flight) is frequently mentioned by pilots as a difficulty when trying to comply with the legal obligation for reading and understanding all the NOTAM that can affect their flight, while they are also under time pressure to fulfil other pre-departure tasks. The graphical presentation of digital NOTAM data should facilitate the task of finding the relevant information (geospatial and temporal filtering) and understanding the aeronautical and meteorological information relevant for a specific flight. For example, a visual “work in progress” symbol on the airport map is much easier to spot as compared with the same information presented in the PIB text. This leads to a reduction in the number of incidents that are sometimes due to the lack of informational awareness, such as airspace infringements, attempts to use a closed runway or runway excursions, attempts to use a closed airport surface, temporary changes in operational procedures, etc.
Operational efficiency
In terms of benefits, the graphical presentation of digital information, a better filtering and a more logical organisation of the pre-flight information bulletins improve pilot and dispatcher awareness, improve briefing efficiency and reduces the risk of information being misunderstood or missed.
Cost efficiency
  Code Title From By Related Enablers
ASP01 Update the systems to receive and distribute AIS and MET information electronically
ASP02 Provide airspace users with pre-flight digital integrated briefing
ASP03 Develop a local safety assessment
INT01 Develop the standards for the use of digital NOTAM
INT02 Develop regulatory material for the use of digital NOTAM
NM01 Generate and provide pre-flight briefings based on digital data
Code Dates
1999 99
2000 00
2001 01
2002 02
2003 03
2004 04
2005 05
2006 06
2007 07
2008 08
2009 09
2010 10
2011 11
2012 12
2013 13
2014 14
2015 15
2016 16
2017 17
2018 18
2019 19
2020 20
2021 21
2022 22
2023 23
2024 24
2025 25

Supporting Material

Title Related SLoAs

<Publisher> - Specification for the provision of Digital NOTAM (INT01) / EUROCONTROL Specification for Digital NOTAM


ASP02, NM01

SJU - SESAR Solution 34: Data Pack Digital integrated briefing

ASP02, NM01

Consultation & Approval

Working Arrangement in charge
Outline description approved in
Latest objective review at expert level
Commitment Decision Body
Provisional Council (PC)
Objective approved/endorsed in
Latest change to objective approved/endorsed in