eATM Portal

AOP24 — Optimised use of runway configuration for multiple runway airports

This Implementation Objective focuses on the Runway Manager (RMAN), a support tool for the Tower Supervisor to determine the optimal runway configuration and distribution of demand according to capacity and local constraints.

During the Medium/Short term Planning Phase, the RMAN tool checks the intentional demand versus the available capacity and it is capable of forecasting imbalances, raising alarms and alerts based on the indicators provided.

In the Execution Phase, the Runway Management tool monitors departure, arrival and overall delay and punctuality, in addition to the capacity shortage proposing changes if necessary.

Since the demand is continuously evolving along time, the RMAN continuously computes the optimal runway configuration and the associated Forecasted Landing (FLDT) and Take Off (FTOT) Times of arrival and departures flights that maximises the runway throughput.

As described before, in the same phase, the Integrated Runway Sequence function calculates Target Landing and Take-Off Times based on the flight plan information and considering the active runways.

The combination of the Runway Manager and the Integrated Runway Sequence has the aim of improving the punctuality of flights and reducing flight duration and average delay. The Forecasted Times calculated by the RMAN are provided to the Integrated Runway Sequence using them to calculate the final Target Times.

As a conclusion TLDT and TTOT calculated by the Integrated Sequence follows the Runway DCB Plan allowing the feedback to the RMAN to monitor the status of the Runway and to detect possible imbalances.

NOTE 1: This is an "Initial" objective to provide advance notice to stakeholders. Some aspects of the objective require further validation.

NOTE 2: The SLoAs listed in this document should be addressed to air navigation service providers as well as to airport operators. This is due to the fact that some airports operate their own ground control units for specific areas of responsibility at the airport. Airport operators providing air traffic control services qualify as ANSPs and are therefore covered by the ASP SLoAs. It is up to each implementer to check and select what is relevant to them, depending on local areas of responsibilities

NOTE FOR MILITARY AUTHORITIES: It is the responsibility of each military authority to review this Objective IN ITS ENTIRETY and address each of the SLoAs that the military authority considers RELEVANT for itself. This has to be done on top and above of the review of "MIL" SLoAs which identify actions EXCLUSIVE to military authorities.

Air Navigation Service Provider / Airport Operator


Related Elements

Applicability Area(s) and Timescales

Applicability Area:
See list of airports in MP Level 3 Implementation Plan - Annexes
(Not yet defined - Potentially Multiple Runway Airports in ECAC+ States)
Timescales From By Applicable to
IOC used for Analytics functioning only - not for implementation planning 01-01-2020
FOC used for Analytics functioning only - not for implementation planning 31-12-2030

Links to SESAR Solutions

Links to PCP ATM Sub-Functionalities

ICAO Block Modules: No associated data


Applicable legislation
Applicable ICAO Annexes and other references
Deployment Programme 2022
Operating Environments

Expected Performance Benefits

Safety maintained while increasing capacity
Increased airport capacity
Operational efficiency
Both fuel efficiency as well as CO2/Flight Time Efficiency
Cost efficiency
  Code Title From By Related Enablers
ASP01 Implement a Runway Demand and Capacity system
ASP02 Adapt the ATC System to support optimal runway configuration
ASP03 Develop appropriate procedures
ASP04 Safety assessment
ASP05 Training
ASP06 System in use
APO01 Implement a Runway Demand and Capacity system
APO02 Develop appropriate procedures
APO03 Safety assessment
APO04 Training
APO05 System in use
Code Dates
1999 99
2000 00
2001 01
2002 02
2003 03
2004 04
2005 05
2006 06
2007 07
2008 08
2009 09
2010 10
2011 11
2012 12
2013 13
2014 14
2015 15
2016 16
2017 17
2018 18
2019 19
2020 20
2021 21
2022 22
2023 23
2024 24
2025 25

Supporting Material

Title Related SLoAs

Consultation & Approval

Working Arrangement in charge
Outline description approved in
Latest objective review at expert level
Commitment Decision Body
Objective approved/endorsed in
Latest change to objective approved/endorsed in