eATM Portal

Essential Operational Changes

This 2020 edition of the European ATM Master Plan introduces nine new Essential Operational Changes top-down as nine essential “game changers”. They are shown here and they are triggering structural evolutions of the European ATM, that are required to deliver the SESAR vision, up to and including its phase C and the “digital European sky” enabling the delivery of the Single European Sky’s objective to implement “more sustainable and better performing aviation”. More...

The EOCs are not independent from each other. In particular, some of them are closely linked to delivering the en-route performance and have been driving the definition of the target architecture, while others bring the essential changes in the other parts of the system.

For learning more about the new Essential Operational Changes, the Chapter 4.2 of the European ATM Master Plan document refers.

Each EOC is supported by SESAR Deployment Scenarios containing solutions contributing to their achievement.

Select from the drop-down menu the Essential Operational Change. Hovering with the mouse over a Deployment Scenario will display further details on it, hovering over a timeline bar will show the associated dates.

Trajectory based operations is an overarching SESAR concept, it is based on a wide range of solution that, when combined, help achieve the envisaged paradigm change. A large number of solutions supporting the other Essential Operational Changes are also contributing to TBO. In the following subsections, only the solutions that are specifically related to TBO are listed. It should be noted that the scope of TBO is much larger than the sum of the solutions listed below. A trajectory representing business/mission intentions of airspace users and integrating ATM and airport constraints is elaborated and agreed for each flight resulting in a reference trajectory that the airspace user agrees to fly and ANSPs and airports agree to facilitate. The integration of trajectory management processes in planning and execution phases refers to the management, negotiation and sharing of the shared business trajectory (SBT) as well as the management, updating, revision and sharing of the reference business trajectory (RBT) and finally the transition from the SBT to the RBT. This process will be initially deployed via extended flight plan (eFPL) based on International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) flight and flow in a collaborative environment (FF-ICE) during the planning phase (before departure) and will progressively evolve to eFPL phase two that encompasses flight planning exchanges in the execution phase. This change also involves ATC updates of SBT/RBT during the execution phase. Furthermore, during execution of the RBT, advanced separation modes (relying on new surveillance enablers e.g. ADS-B IN/OUT) and new safety nets are put in place to facilitate the safe evolution of the trajectory flown (relying on enhanced systems e.g. ACAS Xa). With regard to mission trajectory the first step is to improve the operation air traffic (OAT) flight plan. The improved OAT flight plan and corresponding process will accommodate individual military airspace user needs and priorities for the mutual benefit of ATM system outcomes and performances for all stakeholders. The EOC also includes some legacy deployments (ground based and airborne safety nets) that are already validated concepts but are included as they will facilitate trajectory execution for specific low capability aircraft or fall-back procedures.

Deployment Scenario Timeline Solution Solution V3 Gate
1. In deployment phase: Key SESAR Solution
Enhanced safety nets
#60 -
#69 -
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
eFPL supporting SBT transition to RBT
PJ.18-02c -
3. In development phase: Key R&D Activities
Enhanced integration of AU trajectory definition and network management processes
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.07-01 -
PJ.07-W2-38 31-12-2022
Improved ground trajectory predictions enabling future automation tools
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.10-02a1 10-12-2019
PJ.10-02a2 -
PJ.10-02b -
PJ.18-W2-53 31-12-2022
Improved vertical profiles through enhanced vertical clearances
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.18-W2-56 -
RBT revision supported by datalink and increased automation
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.18-02a -
PJ.18-W2-57 31-12-2022
4. Additional SESAR Solutions in deployment
ACAS ground monitoring and presentation system
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
#58 -
#100 -
Controlled time of arrival (CTA) in medium density / medium complexity environment
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
#06 -
Enhanced Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS)
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
#105 -
Extended hybrid surveillance
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
#101 -
MTCD and conformance monitoring tool
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
#27 -
5. Additional R&D Activities in development
Airborne spacing flight deck interval management
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.01-05 -
Enhanced short-term conflict alert (STCA) and non transgression zone (NTZ) ground based safety nets making use of DAPs information
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.11-G1 -
Trajectory prediction service
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.15-08 -
PJ.18-W2-88 -