Service to provide the interfaces for the distribution of OAT Flight Data from NM to the consumers of that information.
The NM consumes the service but provides the data.
The Consumers of the data provide the service.

Supported Activities

Disseminate updated Flight Data
Publish iSBT/iSMT

Providing/consuming Technical Systems

ATFCM Provider
En-Route / Approach ATC Consumer

Planned changes

SWIM-APS-03a - Provision of G/G ATFCM Information Services
SWIM-APS-03b - Provision of ASM-ATFCM Information Services for Step 2
SWIM-APS-04a - Consumption of G/G ATFCM Information Services
SWIM-APS-04b - Consumption of G/G and initial A/G ASM-ATFCM Information Services on Wide Area communications
SWIM-APS-13 - Ground-ground SWIM enabled services for MT data facilitating DCB