Arrival Management needs to consume departure planning information from Satellite Airports.
It is important to appreciate the concept of a satellite airport underlying this service. The situation envisaged is that there are local airports within the AMAN horizon that feed aircraft into the arrival flows managed by the Extended AMAN. That is, the operations in question will be short-haul flights into a hub airport. This information is transmitted prior to the flights EOBT.
In addition the ¿Advanced Tower integration¿ concept seeks to extend the benefit of having accurate departure planning data available for network management purposes to smaller airports that do not deploy Airport CDM. The concept is very simple ¿ on an ¿advanced ATC TWR airport¿ the tower sends A-DPI (at off-block time) and C-DPI messages (on return to stand) to the NM Operations Centre.

Supported Activities

Revise TTOT

Providing/consuming Technical Systems

Aerodrome ATC Provider
Airport Airside Operations Consumer
Airport Operations Centre Consumer
ATFCM Consumer
En-Route / Approach ATC Consumer