eATM Portal

AOM-0806 — Dynamic Management of Terminal Airspace Routes and Transition

In order to manage the transition into and out of the TMA from/to airports and En-route sectors with both fixed route and free route airspace, terminal airspace is dynamic, accommodating a broad range of climb and descent profiles. This could include dynamic use of lateral routes, speed and various climb/descent profiles to help optimise efficiency whilst managing demand and capacity.

All TMA operations must have some fixed points to be adhered to; in low density operations this may not be very limiting, e.g. FAF, but in high density operations this may be long SIDs & STARs. Therefore, there needs to be a transition between Free Route Airspace and this fixed structure. An optimised TMA route structure is to be considered as default, however for some high complexity/density TMAs, or to manage non-nominal situations, a systematic and constraining route structure may be necessary to prioritise safety, predictability and capacity over fuel efficiency.
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