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Code Title IOC FOC Related Elements
AO-0101 Reduced Risk of Runway Incursions through Improved Procedures and Best Practices on the Ground 31-12-2007 31-12-2011
AO-0102 Automated Alerting of Controller in Case of Runway Incursion or Intrusion into Restricted Areas 30-04-2014 30-04-2018
AO-0104-A Airport Safety Nets for Controllers at A-SMGCS Airports 31-12-2019 31-12-2023
AO-0104-B Extended Airport Safety Nets for Controllers at A-SMGCS Airports 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
AO-0105 Airport Safety Net for Vehicle Drivers 31-12-2022 31-12-2026
AO-0106 Conflict Resolution for Tower Controllers 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
AO-0107 Improved Airport Safety with Better Prevention of Runway Excursions for Tower Controllers 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
AO-0108 Airport Safety Nets for Controllers at Secondary Airports 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
AO-0109 Enhanced Airport Safety thanks to Time Critical Weather Alerts 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
AO-0110 Airport Safety Enhanced by Prediction and by Detection of Adverse Traffic Patterns based on Ground Surveillance 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
AO-0201 Ground Controller Situational Awareness in all Weather Conditions 31-12-2006 31-12-2010
AO-0201-A Enhanced Ground Controller Situational Awareness in all Weather Conditions with ADS-B 31-12-2020 31-12-2024
AO-0202 Detection of FOD (Foreign Object Debris) on the Airport Surface 31-10-2010 31-10-2014
AO-0204 Airport Vehicle Driver's Traffic Situational Awareness 31-12-2022 31-12-2026
AO-0205 Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface Movement Planning and Routing 31-12-2021 31-12-2025
AO-0206 Enhanced Guidance Assistance to Airport Vehicle Driver Combined with Routing 31-12-2022 31-12-2028
AO-0209 Enhanced Runway Usage Awareness 29-04-2021 29-04-2026
AO-0212 Equivalent Visual Operations for Tower Control in Low Visibility
AO-0215 Airport ATC provision of ground-related clearances and information to vehicle drivers via datalink 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AO-0216 Enhanced Runway Condition Awareness 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
AO-0222-A Enhanced Guidance Assistance to mobiles based on the automated switching of Taxiway lights and Stop bars according to the 'Airfield Ground Lighting' operational service 31-03-2022 31-12-2027
AO-0222-B Full Guidance Assistance to mobiles using 'Follow the Greens' procedures based on Airfield Ground Lighting (aprons/taxiways/runways) 30-12-2027 30-12-2031
AO-0223-A Enhanced safety in LVP through use of virtual block control 27-02-2021 27-02-2025
AO-0223-B Enhanced Safety in LVP through use of Dynamic Virtual Block Control 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AO-0224 Advanced Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface Movement Planning and Routing 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AO-0301 Crosswind Reduced Separations for Arrivals
AO-0302 Time Based Separation (TBS) for Arriving Aircraft -Transitional Step
AO-0303 Time Based Separation for Final Approach - full concept 31-12-2019 31-12-2023
AO-0304 Weather-Dependent Reductions of Wake Turbulence Separations for Departures 03-03-2025 03-03-2030
AO-0305 Additional Rapid Exit Taxiways (RET) and Entries
AO-0306 Wake Turbulence Separations (for Arrivals) based on Static Aircraft Characteristics 31-12-2025 31-08-2030
AO-0307 Wake Turbulence separations (for arrivals) based on Dynamic Aircraft Characteristics 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
AO-0308 Enhanced Arrival Procedures using Dual Thresholds (DT) 31-08-2026 31-08-2030
AO-0309 Minimum Radar Separations based upon Required Surveillance Performance (RSP) 31-12-2025 31-12-2030
AO-0310 Weather-Dependent Reductions of Wake Turbulence Separations for Final Approach 31-12-2025 31-12-2030
AO-0311 Reduced low visibility CAT II & III arrival separations 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
AO-0316 Increased Airport Performance through Independent (parallel or convergent) IFR Rotorcraft Operations 19-10-2022 31-12-2026
AO-0319 Enhanced Arrival Procedures using a Second Runway Aiming Point (SRAP) 31-08-2026 31-08-2030
AO-0320 Enhanced Arrival Procedures using Increased Glide Slope (IGS) 31-08-2026 31-08-2030
AO-0321 Enhanced Arrival Procedures using Adaptive Increased Glide Slope (A-IGS) 31-08-2023 31-08-2029
AO-0322 Enhanced Arrival Procedures using Double Slope Approach (DS) 25-11-2030 31-12-2035
AO-0323 Wake Turbulence Separations (for Departures) based on Static Aircraft Characteristics
AO-0324 Wake Turbulence separations (for departures) based on Dynamic Aircraft Characteristics 31-12-2023 31-12-2027
AO-0325 Reduction of Wake Turbulence Risk considering Acceleration of Wake Vortex Decay in Ground Proximity 31-08-2025 31-08-2029
AO-0326 Optimisation of Separation Minima on Approach and Departure thanks to European Wake Turbulence Categorisation (RECAT EU) 01-12-2015 01-12-2019
AO-0327 Reduction of Wake Turbulence Risk through Wake Risk Monitoring 19-06-2025 31-08-2029
AO-0328 Optimised Runway Delivery on Final Approach 31-12-2025 31-08-2030
AO-0329 Optimised Separation Delivery for Departure 31-12-2025 31-08-2030
AO-0331 Enhanced Arrival Procedure using an Increased Glide Slope to a Second Runway Aiming Point (IGS-to-SRAP) 31-08-2026 31-08-2030
AO-0333 Improved Approach procedures into Secondary Airports in Low Visibility Conditions 19-10-2022 31-12-2026
AO-0403 Optimised Dependent Parallel Operations
AO-0501 Improved Operations in Adverse Conditions through Airport Collaborative Decision Making 31-12-2007 31-12-2011
AO-0502 Improved Operations in Low Visibility Conditions 31-12-2020 31-12-2024
AO-0505-A Improve Low Visibility Operation using GBAS Cat II/III based on GPS L1 31-12-2025 31-12-2035
AO-0505-B Improve Low Visibility Operation using GBAS Cat II/III based on dual GNSS 19-10-2028 31-12-2032
AO-0601 Improved Turn-Round Process through Collaborative Decision Making 26-06-2010 26-06-2014
AO-0602 Collaborative Pre-departure Sequencing 26-06-2010 26-06-2014
AO-0603 Improved De-icing Operation through Collaborative Decision Making 26-06-2010 26-06-2014
AO-0703 Aircraft Environmental Impact Management and Mitigation at and around Airports 31-12-2008 31-12-2014
AO-0705 Reduced Water Pollution 31-12-2008 31-12-2012
AO-0706 (Local) Monitoring of Environmental Performance 31-12-2008 31-12-2012
AO-0801-A Collaborative Airport Planning Interface 31-12-2020 31-12-2025
AO-0801-B Collaborative Airport Planning Interface (AOP fully integrated with NOP & local business rules) 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
AO-0802-A A-CDM process enhanced through integration of landside (passenger only) process outputs 31-12-2023 31-12-2027
AO-0802-B A-CDM Process Enhanced through Integration of Landside (passenger and baggage) Process Outputs 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AO-0803 Integration of Airports into ATM through Monitoring of Airport Transit View (Extension of Performance Monitoring building on A-CDM) 31-12-2022 31-12-2026
AO-0814 Enhancement of Airside/Landside Performance Management 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AO-0818 Extended Turn-round Monitoring 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AO-0819 Pro-active Management of Meteorological Impacts 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AO-0820 Pro-active Collaborative Management of Predicted Performance Deterioration via UDPP 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
AO-0821 Post-Operations Analysis support solutions and reporting capabilities 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
AO-0822 Enhancement of Environmental Performance Management 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AO-0824 Network-connected Regional Airports 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AO-0825 Pro-active Collaborative Hub Airport / Network Management of Predicted Performance Deterioration 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
AO-0826 Pro-active Collaborative Regional Airport / Network Management of Predicted Performance Deterioration 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
AOM-0101 Uniform Application of 7 ICAO Airspace Classes at FL195 and below
AOM-0103 Two Categories of Airspace 31-12-2020 31-12-2024
AOM-0104-A Enhanced Rotorcraft Operations at VFR FATOs with specific Point-in-Space RNP procedures using satellite augmentation 19-10-2022 31-12-2026
AOM-0104-B Advanced Point-in-Space RNP approaches and departures 19-10-2022 31-12-2026
AOM-0201 Moving Airspace Management Into Day of Operation 31-12-2008 31-12-2012
AOM-0202 Enhanced Real-time Civil-Military Coordination of Airspace Utilisation 31-12-2019 31-12-2023
AOM-0202-A Automated Support for strategic, pre-tactical and tactical Civil-Military Coordination in Airspace Management (ASM). 31-12-2020 31-12-2025
AOM-0203 Cross-Border Operations Facilitated through Collaborative Airspace Planning with Neighbours 31-12-2007 31-12-2011
AOM-0204 Europe-wide Shared Use of Military Training Areas 31-12-2015 31-12-2019
AOM-0205 Modular Temporary Airspace Structures and Reserved Areas 31-12-2008 31-12-2012
AOM-0206-A Flexible and modular ARES in accordance with the VPA design principle 31-12-2020 01-10-2025
AOM-0206-B Sharing real time airspace information with the aircraft
AOM-0208-B Dynamic Mobile Areas (DMA) of types 1 and 2 31-12-2027 31-12-2033
AOM-0208-C Dynamic Mobile Areas (DMA) of type 3 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AOM-0209 Integrate Hazard Zones in DAC process
AOM-0301 Harmonised EUROCONTROL ECAC Area Rules for OAT-IFR and GAT Interface
AOM-0303 Pan-European OAT Transit Service 31-12-2024 31-12-2030
AOM-0304-A Improved and Harmonised OAT Flight Plan 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
AOM-0304-B Integrated management of Mission Trajectory in trajectory based operations environment 01-07-2029 31-12-2033
AOM-0304-C Integrated Management of Mission Trajectories in Step 3 31-12-2029 31-12-2035
AOM-0401 Multiple Route Options & Airspace Organisation Scenarios
AOM-0402 Further Improvements to Route Network and Airspace incl. Cross-Border Sectorisation and Further Routing Options
AOM-0404 Optimised Route Network using Advanced RNP 31-10-2020 31-12-2025
AOM-0500 Direct Routing for flights both in cruise and vertically evolving for cross ACC borders and in high complexity environments. 31-12-2016 31-12-2024
AOM-0501 Free Routing for Flights both in cruise and vertically evolving within low to medium complexity environments 31-12-2020 01-10-2025
AOM-0504 Optimum Trajectories in Defined Airspaces at Particular Times 31-12-2009 31-12-2013
AOM-0505 Free Routing for Flights both in cruise and vertically evolving within high and very high complexity environments in Upper En Route airspace 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
AOM-0506 Free Routing for Flights both in cruise and vertically evolving within high-complexity environments in Lower En Route airspace 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
AOM-0601 Terminal Airspace Organisation Adapted through Use of Best Practice
AOM-0602 Enhanced terminal operations with APV using Barometric VNAV 31-12-2020 31-12-2024
AOM-0603 Enhanced Terminal Airspace for RNP-based Operations 31-12-2019 31-12-2023
AOM-0604 Enhanced terminal operations with LPV using SBAS 19-10-2022 31-12-2026
AOM-0605 Enhanced Terminal Operations with RNP transition to ILS/GLS/LPV 31-12-2020 31-12-2026
AOM-0606 Enhanced Parallel Approach Operations using PBN/RNP transitions to xLS 31-12-2007 31-12-2013
AOM-0607 Enhanced Terminal Area for Efficient Curved Operations 25-11-2031 31-12-2036
AOM-0608 Enhanced Parallel Approach Operations using PBN/RNP transitions to RNP (for at least one runway) 31-12-2019 31-12-2023
AOM-0701 Continuous Descent Approach (CDA)
AOM-0702-A Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) 01-07-2017 01-07-2021
AOM-0702-B Advanced Continuous Descent Operations 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AOM-0703 Continuous Climb Departure
AOM-0705-B Advanced Continuous Climb Operations 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AOM-0801 Flexible Sectorisation Management 31-12-2006 31-12-2010
AOM-0802 Modular Sectorisation Adapted to Variations in Traffic Flows 31-12-2007 31-12-2011
AOM-0803 Dynamically Shaped Sectors Unconstrained By Predetermined Boundaries
AOM-0805 Collaborative Airspace Configuration 24-03-2028 24-03-2032
AOM-0806 Dynamic Management of Terminal Airspace Routes and Transition 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AOM-0807 Dynamic Management of Sectors in Terminal Airspace 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AOM-0809-A Initial Sector Design and Configurations Unconstrained by Predetermined Boundaries 31-12-2023 31-12-2027
AOM-0809-B Advanced Sector Design and Configurations Unconstrained by Predetermined Boundaries 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AOM-0810 Integration into the TMA route structure of optimised Low Level IFR route network for rotorcraft using RNP-1/RNP-0.3 31-12-2020 31-12-2026
AUO-0101 ATFM Slot Swapping 31-12-2007 31-12-2011
AUO-0101-A Enhanced ATFM Slot Swapping 31-12-2017 31-12-2025
AUO-0103 UDPP-Departure 31-12-2021 31-12-2025
AUO-0106 Re-prioritising flights during Execution 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AUO-0107 Prioritisation for Low Volume Users in a Constraint 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AUO-0108 Most Penalizing Delay based on reconciliation between DCB and Airport CDM 31-12-2023 31-12-2024
AUO-0109 UDPP for Airport constraints 31-12-2027 31-12-2032
AUO-0110 UDPP for Network constraints 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AUO-0201 Enhanced Flight Plan Filing Facilitation 31-12-2011 31-12-2015
AUO-0203 EFPL in NM processes 01-07-2022 01-07-2026
AUO-0203-C Shared Business / Mission Trajectory (SBT) in Step 3
AUO-0204-C Agreed Reference Business and Mission Trajectories
AUO-0206 FOC Management of the Reference Business Trajectory 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
AUO-0207 Preliminary flight planning 31-12-2024 31-12-2030
AUO-0208 Use of Simple AU Preferences in DCB Processes
AUO-0210 Participation in CDM through iSMT and Target Time (TTO) negotiation 31-12-2027 31-12-2033
AUO-0211 WOC Management of iRMT via improved OAT FPL 31-12-2027 31-12-2033
AUO-0212 WOC Management of RMT 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
AUO-0213 SMT including military user preferences associated to meteo 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
AUO-0214 SMT including user preferences and mission trajectory information for DCB processes 31-12-2027 31-12-2033
AUO-0215 Sharing iSMT through improved OAT flight plan 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
AUO-0216 Shared Mission Trajectory Data 31-12-2027 31-12-2033
AUO-0219 Use of Enriched DCB Information and Enhanced What-Ifs to Improve AU Flight Planning 31-12-2027 31-12-2033
AUO-0220 Linking of SBTs pertaining to the same aircraft 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AUO-0221 Agreement on RBT (associated to tolerances) 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AUO-0223 Harmonised and improved integration of airspace and ATC constraints/procedures in trajectories calculated by FOCs and NM 31-12-2026 31-12-2033
AUO-0225 Enhanced Target time management by the use of eFPL 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AUO-0226 SBT/RBT: Exchange of eFPL with ATC 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
AUO-0227 Agreed iRBT: Exchange of ATFCM measures with ATC 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
AUO-0228 Agreed iRMT 01-07-2022 01-07-2026
AUO-0229 Harmonised and improved integration of AOP/NOP departure information in trajectories calculated by FOCs and NM 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AUO-0301 Voice Controller-Pilot Communications (En-Route) Complemented by Data Link 31-12-2011 31-12-2017
AUO-0303-C Revision of reference business/mission trajectory (RBT) using datalink: performance based implementation. 31-12-2020 31-12-2026
AUO-0308-A Datalink Services used for Provision of Ground-related Clearances and Information (D-TAXI) 31-12-2022 31-12-2026
AUO-0308-B Datalink Services used for Provision of Ground-related Clearances and Information for trajectory based operations 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AUO-0309 Revision of Reference Business/Mission Trajectory (RBT) using datalink (aircraft on airport surface) 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
AUO-0401 Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness on the Airport Surface (ATSA-SURF) 31-12-2015 31-12-2019
AUO-0402 Air Traffic Situational Awareness (ATSAW) during Flight Operations (AIRB) 31-12-2015 31-12-2021
AUO-0403 Reducing Landing Minima in Low Visibility Conditions using Enhanced Flight Vision Systems (EFVS) 31-12-2017 31-12-2023
AUO-0404 Synthetic Vision for the Pilot in Low Visibility Conditions 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
AUO-0405 Equivalent Visual Landing operations in Low Visibility Conditions with Head Mounted Display 30-09-2023 01-10-2029
AUO-0406 Equivalent Visual Taxi operations in Low Visibility Conditions 30-09-2023 30-09-2029
AUO-0407 Equivalent Visual Take-Off operations in Low Visibility Conditions
AUO-0502 Enhanced Visual Separation on Approach (ATSA-VSA) 31-12-2015 31-12-2021
AUO-0503 In-trail Procedure in Oceanic Airspace (ATSA-ITP) 31-12-2015 31-12-2021
AUO-0504 Dynamic Adjustment of Spacing Depending on Wake Turbulences 31-12-2023 31-08-2029
AUO-0505 Improved Air safety using data exchange via e.g. ADS-B for Wake Turbulence prediction 31-12-2029 31-12-2035
AUO-0506 Improved Air safety using on-board detection via e.g. LIDAR of Wake Turbulence detection 31-12-2020 31-12-2026
AUO-0507 Airborne Spacing Monitoring under IFR (ATSAW - Spacing monitoring) 31-12-2025 31-12-2031
AUO-0603-A Guidance Assistance to Aircraft on the Airport Surface Combined with Routing 19-10-2019 31-12-2023
AUO-0603-B Guidance Assistance to Aircraft on the Airport Surface Combined with Routing for trajectory based operations 19-10-2027 31-12-2031
AUO-0604 Enhanced Airport Traffic Predictability through Taxi Speed Optimization 31-12-2023 31-12-2031
AUO-0605 Traffic Alerts for Pilots during Runway Operations 08-08-2024 30-07-2029
AUO-0607 Improved Aircraft Protection on the Airport Surface 31-12-2023 31-12-2031
AUO-0608 Enhanced Airport Safety Nets through Auto-brake during Taxi phase 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AUO-0613 Enhanced navigation and accuracy in LVC on the airport surface
AUO-0614 Conformance Monitoring Safety Nets for Pilots 19-10-2027 31-12-2031
AUO-0615 Traffic Alerts for Pilots during Taxiway Operations 08-08-2024 30-07-2029
AUO-0616 Improved Safety with Better Prevention of Runway Excursions for Pilots 19-10-2026 31-12-2031
AUO-0617 Enabling Integrated RPAS Surface Operations 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AUO-0618 Enabling integrated RPAS IFR operations 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
AUO-0701 Use of Runway Occupancy Time (ROT) Reduction Techniques
AUO-0703 Optimised Enhanced Braking Information at a Pre-selected Runway Exit Coordinated with Ground ATC by Datalink 13-03-2024 31-12-2028
AUO-0704 Enhanced Prediction of Arrival Runway Occupancy Time (ROT) 31-08-2026 31-08-2030
AUO-0705 Enhanced arrival runway occupancy time thanks to efficient runway turn-off
AUO-0706 Enhanced departure runway occupancy time thanks to efficient line-up and take-off
AUO-0805 Incorporation of Autonomous Engine-off Taxiing into surface operations
AUO-0806 Incorporation of Non-Autonomous Engine-off Taxiing into surface operations
CM-0101 Automated Support for Traffic Load (Density) Management
CM-0102-A Dynamic Sectorisation based on complexity
CM-0102-B Dynamic Airspace Management based on complexity 31-12-2023 31-12-2031
CM-0103-A Automated Support for Traffic Complexity Assessment 31-12-2020 01-10-2025
CM-0103-B Automated Support for Traffic Complexity Assessment 06-07-2018 06-07-2024
CM-0104-A Automated Controller Support for Trajectory Management during the planning phase 31-12-2023 31-12-2027
CM-0104-B Automated support to INAP (Integrated Network Management and Extended ATC Planning) function 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
CM-0106 Initial support to INAP - basic EAP (Extended ATC Planning) function 31-12-2023 31-12-2027
CM-0200-B Flight-centric ATC in Non-Geographically-Constrained, Low and Medium complexity environments
CM-0200-C Flight-centric ATC in Non-Geographically-Constrained High and very High Complexity environment
CM-0200-D Flight-centric flow-based ATC in TMA
CM-0201 Automated Assistance to Controller for Seamless Coordination, Transfer and Dialogue
CM-0201-A Automated Assistance to Controller for Seamless Coordination, Transfer and Dialogue through improved trajectory data sharing 31-12-2023 31-12-2027
CM-0202 Automated Assistance to ATC Planning for Preventing Conflicts in En-Route Airspace
CM-0203 Automated Flight Conformance Monitoring 31-12-2010 31-12-2014
CM-0205 Advanced support for Conflict Detection and Resolution by Tactical Controller in En Route
CM-0206 Conflict Detection and Resolution in the TMA using trajectory data 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
CM-0207-A Advanced Automated Ground Based Flight Conformance Monitoring in En-Route 31-12-2020 31-12-2024
CM-0207-B Automated Ground Based Flight Conformance and Intent Monitoring in En-Route Improved With Aircraft Downlinked Data
CM-0208-A Automated Ground Based Flight Conformance Monitoring in the TMA 09-12-2026 09-12-2030
CM-0208-B Automated Ground Based Flight Conformance and Intent Monitoring in the TMA
CM-0209 Conflict Detection and Resolution in En-Route using enhanced ground predicted trajectory in Predefined and User Preferred Routes environments 09-12-2026 09-12-2030
CM-0209-b Conflict Detection and Resolution in En-Route using aircraft data in Predefined and User Preferred Routes environments 30-12-2029 30-12-2033
CM-0210 Ground Based Flight Conformance Monitoring in En-Route using enhanced ground predicted trajectory 09-12-2026 09-12-2030
CM-0210-b Ground Based Flight Conformance Monitoring in En-Route using aircraft Data 30-12-2029 30-12-2033
CM-0211 Advanced Support for Conflict Detection and Resolution for ATC planning in En Route
CM-0301 Sector Team Operations Adapted to New Responsibilities in En-Route, 1Planning to 2Tactical Controllers team structure 31-12-2016 31-12-2020
CM-0302 Ground based Automated Support for Managing Traffic Complexity Across Several Sectors 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
CM-0303 Sector Team Operations Adapted to New Responsibilities in En-route, 1 Planning to several Tactical Controllers team structure 30-09-2026 30-09-2030
CM-0304 Sector Team Operations Adapted to New Responsibilities in the TMA/eTMA, 1 Planning to several Tactical Controllers team structure 30-09-2026 30-09-2030
CM-0306 Sector Team Operations Adapted to New Responsibilities and Operating Procedures involving reduced Coordination in En-Route and TMA-En Route interface airspace 31-12-2024 31-12-2028
CM-0307 Sector Team Operations Adapted to New Responsibilities in En-route, Single Person Operation 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
CM-0308 Sector Team Operations Adapted to New Responsibilities in TMA/eTMA, Single Person Operation 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
CM-0309 Sector Team Operations Adapted to Collaborative Operating Procedures involving reduced tactical co-ordination in the TMA 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
CM-0310 Sector Team Operations Adapted to Collaborative Operating Procedures involving reduced tactical co-ordination in En-Route 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
CM-0407 Enhanced Conflict Detection and Resolution in En-Route 31-12-2023 31-12-2027
CM-0408 Enhanced Conflict Detection and Resolution in the TMA 31-12-2023 31-12-2027
CM-0501 4D Contract for Equipped Aircraft with Extended Clearance PTC-4D 31-12-2025 31-12-2029
CM-0604 Separation Management using RBTs with 3D RNP Specifications 20-04-2026 31-12-2031
CM-0605 Separation Management in En-Route using Pre-defined or User-preferred Routes with 2D RNP Specifications 31-12-2024 31-12-2028
CM-0606 Separation Management in the TMA using Pre-defined Routes with 2D RNP Specifications 19-10-2022 31-12-2027
CM-0607 Separation Management in En-Route using RBTs with 2D RNP Specifications 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
CM-0608 Separation Management in the TMA using RBTs with 2D RNP Specifications 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
CM-0701 Ad Hoc Delegation of Separation to Flight Deck - In Trail Follow & In trail Merge Procedure (ASEP-ITF & ITM ) 31-12-2020 31-12-2026
CM-0702 Ad Hoc Delegation of Separation to Flight Deck - Crossing and Passing (C&P)
CM-0704 Self Separation in Mixed Mode 31-12-2037 31-12-2041
CM-0801 Ground Based Safety Nets (TMA, En-Route) 31-12-2006 31-12-2010
CM-0802 Display and use of ACAS resolution advisory downlink on the controller working position 31-12-2019 31-12-2023
CM-0803 Reduction of spurious TCAS RA (Resolution Advisory) and automation of RA maneuver 31-12-2011 31-12-2017
CM-0805 Short Term Conflict Alert Adapted to New Separation Modes
CM-0806-B Improved Compatibility between STCA and ACAS
CM-0806-C Improved Compatibility between Ground and Airborne Safety Nets
CM-0807-A Enhanced Short Term Conflict Alert using Mode S EHS data 31-12-2015 31-12-2027
CM-0807-B Enhanced Ground-based Safety Nets Using ADS-B information 31-12-2011 31-12-2017
CM-0808-a Improved Collision Avoidance for commercial air transport in standard operations (ACAS Xa) 31-12-2025 31-12-2035
CM-0808-o Collision Avoidance for commercial air transport Adapted to New Separation Modes 31-12-2020 31-12-2026
CM-0808-p Collision Avoidance for General Aviation and Rotorcraft (ACAS Xp)
CM-0808-u Collision Avoidance for Remotely Piloted Aircraft
CM-0811 Enhanced STCA for TMA specific operations 31-12-2017 31-12-2027
CM-0812 Non Transgression Zone (NTZ) ground safety net using DAPs information via ADS-B technology
CM-0813 Non Transgression Zone (NTZ) ground Safety Net using DAPs information via Mode-S technology
CM-0814 Enhanced Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) ground Safety Net using DAPs information via ADS-B technology
CM-0815 Enhanced Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) ground Safety Net using DAPs information via Mode-S technology
CNS-0001-A Rationalisation of COM systems/infrastructure 31-12-2019 31-12-2017
CNS-0001-B Rationalisation of COM systems/infrastructure for SESAR2020 Wave 1 31-12-2029 31-12-2035
CNS-0002-A Rationalisation of NAV systems/infrastructure 31-12-2020 31-12-2024
CNS-0002-B Rationalisation of NAV systems/infrastructure for Step2 31-12-2023 31-12-2027
CNS-0003-A Rationalisation of SUR functionalities and/or technologies for CNS systems supporting cost efficiency, spectrum efficiency, etc. 12-09-2018 12-09-2022
CNS-0003-B Rationalisation of SUR systems/infrastructure for Step2 08-06-2030 08-06-2034
DCB-0101 Enhanced Seasonal NOP Elaboration 31-12-2007 31-12-2011
DCB-0102 Interactive Rolling NOP 31-12-2009 31-12-2013
DCB-0103-A Initial collaborative NOP 01-07-2022 01-07-2027
DCB-0103-B Collaborative NOP 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
DCB-0103-C Collaborative NOP fully performance driven
DCB-0201 Interactive Network Capacity Planning 31-12-2007 31-12-2011
DCB-0203 Enhanced ASM/ATFCM Coordinated Process 31-12-2008 31-12-2012
DCB-0204 ATFCM Scenarios 31-12-2008 31-12-2012
DCB-0205 Short Term ATFCM Measures 31-12-2016 31-12-2020
DCB-0206 Co-ordinated Network Management Operation extended until the Day of operation 31-12-2007 31-12-2011
DCB-0207 Management of Critical Events 31-12-2012 31-12-2016
DCB-0208 DCB in a trajectory management context 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
DCB-0210 Full integration of Dynamic Airspace Configurations into DCB 31-03-2028 31-03-2034
DCB-0211 Traffic & Demand Forecast in 4D trajectory Management Context
DCB-0212 Network Performance Assessment for Distributed Network Operation 31-12-2018 31-12-2022
DCB-0213 Consolidation and facilitation of Target Times between local DCB, Airport CDM and Extended Arrival Management 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
DCB-0214 DCB What-if Network Impact Assessment 30-08-2026 30-08-2030
DCB-0215 Consolidation of imbalances and arbitration of Trajectory Management solutions 01-04-2023 01-07-2027
DCB-0217 DCB Support to FF-ICE 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
DCB-0301 Improved Consistency between Airport Slots and Flight Plans 31-12-2012 31-12-2016
DCB-0302 Collaborative Management of Flight Updates 31-12-2007 31-12-2011
DCB-0304 Improved Integration of Regional Airports into the Network 31-12-2017 31-12-2029
DCB-0308 Advanced Short Term ATFCM 31-12-2020 01-10-2025
DCB-0310 Improved Efficiency in the Management of Airport and ATFCM Planning 31-12-2021 31-12-2025
IS-0101 Improved Flight Plan Consistency Pre-Departure 30-01-2009 30-01-2013
IS-0102 Improved Management of Flight Plan After Departure 31-12-2011 31-12-2015
IS-0201 Integrated Pre-Flight Briefing 31-12-2007 31-12-2011
IS-0202 Improved Supply Chain for Aeronautical Data through Common Quality Measures 31-12-2006 31-12-2010
IS-0204 Facilitated Aeronautical Data Exchanges through Digitalised/Electronic Information 31-12-2024 31-12-2030
IS-0205 Digital Integrated Briefing for pre-flight phase 31-12-2023 31-12-2030
IS-0206 Digital Integrated Briefing during flight execution phase 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
IS-0207 Automated semantic analysis of digital aeronautical and weather information updated 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
IS-0302 Use of Aircraft Derived Data (ADD) to enhance ATM ground system performance. 31-12-2022 31-12-2017
IS-0303-A Downlink of on-board 4D trajectory data to enhance ATM ground system performance: initial and time based implementation 31-12-2022 31-12-2027
IS-0303-C Use of on-board 4D trajectory data to enhance ATM ground system performance: performance based implementation
IS-0305 Automatic RBT Update through TMR 31-12-2015 31-12-2019
IS-0401 Automatic Terminal Information Service Provision through Use of Datalink 31-12-2007 31-12-2013
IS-0402 Extended provision of Terminal Information using datalink 19-09-2029 01-12-2033
IS-0406 Aircraft Dissemination of Information on Weather Hazards to Other Aircraft 31-12-2029 31-12-2035
IS-0408 Provision of FIS/TIS information to General Aviation during flight 19-10-2028 31-12-2032
IS-0710 Air-Air Exchange services
IS-0901-A SWIM for sharing G/G data, traffic flow management information and aeronautical information 31-12-2023 31-12-2029
IS-0901-B SWIM Infrastructure for G/G data sharing and initial A/G Data sharing 31-12-2027 31-12-2033
IS-0901-C SWIM for improved integration of SWIM profiles and expanded sharing of A/G Data 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
MET-0101 Enhanced MET observations, nowcasts and forecasts provided by ATM-MET systems for planning and near term services 31-12-2022 31-12-2026
MET-0201 Enhanced MET observations, nowcasts and forecasts provided by ATM-MET systems for Step 2 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
MET-0301 Enhanced MET observations, nowcasts and forecasts provided by ATM-MET systems for Step 3
POI-0001-MET Improved Weather Awareness through Enhanced Automated MET observation 31-10-2029 31-10-2033
POI-0002-SDM Supporting rationalisation of infrastructure by using the Virtual Centre concept 31-12-2029 31-12-2038
POI-0003-SDM Improving controller productivity by introducing new methods of controller interaction. 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
POI-0004-SDM Optimisation of Controller Working Position enviroment supported by geograpically seperated enviroment. 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
POI-0005-CNS Performance Based Surveillance Monitoring 08-06-2030 08-06-2034
POI-0006-CNS Low Radio Frequency Impact Surveillance 31-12-2024 31-12-2028
POI-0007-CNS Enhanced Integrity Surveillance 31-12-2024 31-12-2028
POI-0008-MET Provision of MET data as SWIM services (Yellow Profile) relevant for Aerodrome and TMA 31-10-2029 31-10-2033
POI-0009-MET Provision of MET data as SWIM services (Yellow Profile) relevant for En-route and Network operations 31-12-2026 31-12-2032
POI-0010-MET MET data as SWIM services (Purple Profile) for on-board usage 01-12-2027 01-12-2033
POI-0011-IS Downlink of on-board 4D trajectory data to enhance NM system performance
POI-0012-IS ATC Planned Trajectories improvement with new ADS-C reports, eFPL and surveillance information 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
POI-0013-IS Improving the Tactical Trajectory by using ADS-C Data
POI-0014-IS Extension of the Quality of Service at SWIM-TI profile level to support SWIM-TI exchanges between civil and military SWIM-Enabled Applications in the scope of civil-military cooperation and coordination (Green Profile) 31-12-2027 31-12-2033
POI-0015-COM ATM Future Communication Infrastructure Network 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
POI-0016-IS Basic IOP for G/G data sharing between En-Route ATC centres 31-12-2023 31-12-2027
POI-0017-IS SWIM technical infrastructure for Air-Ground advisory information sharing (Purple Profile) 31-12-2028 31-12-2034
POI-0018-COM SatCOM Class B for ATM 19-10-2022 31-12-2026
POI-0019-COM SatCOM Class A for ATM
POI-0020-SDM ATC Flight Data Exchange with NM and TMA Using Flight Object 31-12-2024 31-12-2028
POI-0021-AUO Improved navigation using Dual-Frequency Multi-Constellation (DFMC GNSS) 19-10-2028 31-12-2032
POI-0022-COM ATM High Performance Terrestrial Data Link 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
POI-0023-COM ATM Air to Air High Performance Datalink 31-12-2029 31-12-2035
POI-0024-NAV Increased flexibilty in airspace usage through GBAS 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
POI-0025-NAV GBAS applicability to challenging operational environments in LVC 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
POI-0026-NAV GAST D applicability to Equatorial and Nordic regions 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
POI-0027-NAV Enhanced interoperability and efficiency of GBAS infrastructure (operation and maintenance) 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
POI-0028-NAV Improved GBAS robustness and performance using DFMC GNSS 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
POI-0029-COM ATM High Performance Airport Datalink
POI-0030-AUO Enhanced Positioning for Airport Surface Navigation
POI-0032-NAV Increase Performance Based Navigation robustness (Short-Term Solution)
POI-0036-SUR Reduction of RF spectrum use by airborne surveillance systems 31-12-2020 31-12-2026
SDM-0101 Network Performance Assessment 31-12-2012 31-12-2016
SDM-0102 Civil-Military Cooperation Performance Assessment 31-12-2011 31-12-2015
SDM-0201 Remotely Provided Air Traffic Service for Single Aerodrome 31-12-2020 31-12-2024
SDM-0202 Transfer of Area of Responsibility for Trajectory Management 31-12-2027 31-12-2031
SDM-0203 Generic' (non-geographical) Controller Validations
SDM-0204 Remotely Provided Air Traffic Service for Contingency Situations at Small to Medium Aerodromes (with a Single Main Runway) 17-01-2021 17-01-2025
SDM-0205 Remotely Provided Air Traffic Services for Two Low-density Aerodromes 15-11-2019 15-11-2023
SDM-0206 Remotely Provided Air Traffic Service for Contingency Situations at Large Airports (with Several Runways) 31-12-2026 31-12-2031
SDM-0207 Remotely Provided Air Traffic Service for Multiple Aerodromes (up to 3 aerodromes) 30-06-2027 30-06-2031
SDM-0210 Highly Flexible Allocation of Aerodromes to Remote Tower Modules
SDM-0211 Air Traffic Service Provided to Two Airports, One Local and One Remote 31-12-2026 31-12-2031
SDM-0212 Air Traffic Service Provided to Several Airports, One Local and more than One Remote 31-12-2026 31-12-2031
SDM-0213 Enhanced A/G data exchanges for Trajectory Based Operations (TBO)
SDM-0214 Improved trajectory management based on enhanced G/G data sharing among ATC and Network Management.
SDM-0215 Enhanced ATC and airborne operation using datalink for Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) 31-12-2030 31-12-2034
SDM-0216 Improved ATC procedures based on enhanced G/G data sharing among ATC centres and NM 31-12-2024 31-12-2030
SDM-0217 Delegation and/or contingency of airspace.
SDM-0301 Improved Capacity and Safety of Runway Operations at Secondary Airports in Low Visibility Conditions 31-12-2029 31-12-2033
SDM-0401 Sub-Regional DCB Common Service (Business Improvement) 31-12-2023 31-12-2029
SDM-0402 E-AMAN Common Service (Business Improvement) 31-12-2026 31-12-2030
SDM-0403 Trajectory Prediction Common Service (Business Improvement)
SDM-0405 Static Aeronautical Data Common Service (Business Improvement)
SDM-0406 Aeronautical Digital Map Common Service (Business Improvement) 20-12-2025 20-12-2029
TS-0102 Basic Arrival Management Supporting TMA Improvements (incl. CDA, P-RNAV) 15-05-2019 15-05-2023
TS-0103 Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA) in medium density/complexity environment 31-12-2022 31-12-2026
TS-0108 Airborne Spacing Flight Deck Interval management (speed/more complex route geometries) in high density environments 25-11-2029 31-12-2034
TS-0109 Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA) in high density/complexity environment 31-12-2023 31-12-2028
TS-0201 Basic Departure Management (Pre-departure Management) 31-12-2010 31-12-2014
TS-0202 Pre-Departure Sequencing supported by Route Planning 31-12-2019 31-12-2023
TS-0203 Departure Management supported by Route Planning and Monitoring 31-12-2019 31-12-2023
TS-0301 Integrated Arrival Departure Management for Full Traffic Optimisation on the Runway 31-08-2026 31-08-2030
TS-0302 Departure Management from Multiple Airports 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
TS-0303 Arrival Management into Multiple Airports 31-12-2022 31-12-2026
TS-0305 Arrival Management Extended to En-Route Airspace
TS-0305-A Arrival Management Extended to En-Route Airspace - single TMA 31-12-2021 31-12-2025
TS-0305-B Arrival Management Extended to En-Route Airspace - impact of overlapping AMAN operations for En Route ATC 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
TS-0307 Integrated Arrival Departure Management for traffic optimisation within the TMA and Extended TMA Airspace 31-12-2028 31-12-2032
TS-0308 Flow based Integration of Arrival and Departure Management 31-12-2021 31-12-2025
TS-0313 Optimized Use of Runway Capacity for Multiple Runway Airports 31-08-2026 31-08-2030
TS-0315 Arrival Management Systems integrated with DCB 31-12-2028 31-12-2032