eATM Portal

AOM-0607 — Enhanced Terminal Area for Efficient Curved Operations

Using curved segments in the approach and departure phases will optimise the environmental impact and provide a means to avoid environment constraints. Using Geometric altitude will allow removing the drawback of the transition in the approach phase (crew and ATC workload reduced), allowing complex TMA procedure and increasing efficiency and predictability.

The Use of Geometric altitude (GNSS based) will offer opportunities for optimised three dimensional routes minimising level off. It can be expected to reduce emissions (especially noise) and increase safety (vertical trajectories in the STAR and the final approach -by GBAS or SBAS- are linked).
GNSS based navigation can offer to improve efficiency and airspace design flexibility by allowing changing or creating approach procedures without infrastructure changes. Advanced arrival procedures can be designed in the Terminal area down to the runway (even in all weather conditions with GBAS). Efficiency benefits linked to reduced air traffic controller workload may be obtained (reduce missed approach rates). Curved segments for departures as close as possible to the runway end will support the avoidance of environmental constraints (noise sensitive areas and obstacles).
Forecast V3 end date
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Full benefits date (FOC)
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Dependent OI Steps: No associated data

SESAR Solutions

PCP Elements: No associated data

Implementation Objectives: No associated data

ICAO Block Modules: No associated data