eATM Portal

About the eATM Portal v1. (LDB)

The eATM Portal provides an integrated and connected view of the European ATM System outlining the essential operational and technology changes foreseen to deliver the SESAR contributions to the Single European Sky performance objectives.

It provides information at the three levels (executive, planning/architecture and implementation) of the European ATM Master Plan in an interactive way. From the visualisation of information at the Executive level a “drill-down” capability provides access to related information on the Planning and Implementation levels respectively. ATM Architecture information will be available in integrated views within the portal at a later date.

Moreover, the portal provides links between SESAR Operational Changes and the ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades demonstrating that the that European choices extend into the worldwide context through alignment with and support to ICAO’s Global Air Navigation Plan thereby reducing technological risk and increasing predictability for the industry’s development and deployment activities.