eATM Portal

Stakeholder Roadmaps

A stakeholder roadmap is presented for each category (ANSPs, Airport Operators, Airspace Users and Network Manager). These aim at facilitating the reading by each stakeholder category of the main ATM investments that should be planned in the coming decade for technology that is expected to reach maturity by end 2020. More...

Each roadmap provides, per Essential Operational Change, the planned timelines for the relevant Deployment Scenarios.

Clicking on an Essential Operational Change or a Deployment Scenario will display further details on it, hovering over a timeline bar will reveal the associated dates.

Select on the tabs at the top the set of Deployment Scenarios. They are shown allocated to an Essential Operational Change.
Hovering with the mouse over a Deployment Scenario or EOC name will display further details on it, hovering over a timeline bar will show the associated dates.
Clicking on an Essential Operational Change or a Deployment Scenario will display further details on it, hovering over a timeline bar will reveal the associated dates.

Essential Operational Change (EOC) Deployment Scenario Stakeholder Group Timeline
CNS Infrastructure and Services Alternative position, navigation and timing (A-PNT)- short term ANSP Civil
CNS rationalisation ANSP Civil
ATM Interconnected Network Airport integration into the network ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
SWIM TI (technical infrastructure) purple profile for air/ground advisory information sharing ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
Digital AIM and MET Services Digitally enhanced briefing ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
Improved aviation AIM and MET services through automation and digitalisation ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
U-space services U-space U1 — foundation services ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
U-space U2 — initial services ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
Virtualisation of Service Provision Remotely provided ATS for multiple aerodromes ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
Virtual centre concept ANSP Civil
Airport and TMA performance Airport safety nets vehicle ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
Efficient aircraft separation during take-off and final approach ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
Enhanced AMAN/DMAN integration ANSP Civil
Enhanced airport safety nets ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
Enhanced arrival procedures ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
Integrated surface management ANSP Civil
Traffic optimisation on single- and multiple-runway airports ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
Fully Dynamic and Optimised Airspace High-productivity controller team organisation ANSP Civil
Trajectory Based Operations Enhanced safety nets ANSP Civil
eFPL supporting SBT transition to RBT ANSP Civil
Multimodal Mobility and integration of all Airspace Users Enhanced rotorcraft and GA operations in the TMA ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
Independent rotorcraft operations at airports ANSP Civil
ANSP Military
Optimised low-level IFR routes for rotorcraft ANSP Civil
ANSP Military