eATM Portal

Essential Operational Changes

This 2020 edition of the European ATM Master Plan introduces nine new Essential Operational Changes top-down as nine essential “game changers”. They are shown here and they are triggering structural evolutions of the European ATM, that are required to deliver the SESAR vision, up to and including its phase C and the “digital European sky” enabling the delivery of the Single European Sky’s objective to implement “more sustainable and better performing aviation”. More...

The EOCs are not independent from each other. In particular, some of them are closely linked to delivering the en-route performance and have been driving the definition of the target architecture, while others bring the essential changes in the other parts of the system.

For learning more about the new Essential Operational Changes, the Chapter 4.2 of the European ATM Master Plan document refers.

Each EOC is supported by SESAR Deployment Scenarios containing solutions contributing to their achievement.

Select from the drop-down menu the Essential Operational Change. Hovering with the mouse over a Deployment Scenario will display further details on it, hovering over a timeline bar will show the associated dates.

This EOC includes further step towards TBO by the enhancement of the free routing airspace (FRA) processes and system support. It needs to cover the large-scale cross-border free route airspace. There is a need to ensure a smooth transition between FRA and highly structured airspace based on dynamic airspace configuration (DAC) principles. There is also need for more dynamic, accurate and precise information on constraints allowing the FRA extension and accommodation of different business trajectories. FRA will be designed to minimise the changes to trajectories and to achieve an optimum outcome for all stakeholders. In that respect, FRA will allow user preferred routing, supported by collaborative decision-making processes where the Network Manager plays a central role facilitating network coordination of stakeholders through its Network Management functions. The first step will be the application of cross-border sectorisation followed by implementation of dynamic airspace configuration, to facilitate optimal use of airspace and reduce ATFCM delay. A fundamental change that needs to be delivered is that, amongst as many states as possible, an agreement is reached on organising their mutual airspace into sectors, based on traffic demand (including military airspace needs) and irrespective of national boundaries. In addition, the states need to agree on partitioning of the joint airspace for allocation of responsibility for ANS provision to qualified providers. The dynamic airspace concept delivers an optimised and coordinated organisation of airspace activations and reservations, able to support optimised traffic flows in a free route environment as well as other uses of airspace (e.g. military). In essence, the main change is to move from airspace management (ASM) collaborative processes to ASM reconciled with ATC and ATFCM into a fully integrated ASM, ATC, ATFCM and CDM layered process, resulting in fully dynamic airspace configurations (i.e. higher level of modularity and flexibility up to the execution phase), supported by automated tools and, it is as well, an enabler of integrated capacity management processes. The full integration of ASM/ATC/ATFCM processes within the dynamic airspace configuration concept contributes to the cost-efficient delivery of network performance through closer interaction between ATM operating phases with consolidated and harmonised solutions integrated in the planning and execution phases, at local, sub-regional and regional levels. The dynamic airspace also requires the development of new ATS working methods supported by automation and new tools.

Deployment Scenario Timeline Solution Solution V3 Gate
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
High-productivity controller team organisation
3. In development phase: Key R&D Activities
Dynamic airspace configuration
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.09-W2-44 31-12-2022
Flight-centric ATC and improved distribution of separation responsibility in ATC
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.10-W2-73 31-12-2022
Mission trajectories management with integrated dynamic mobile areas type 1 and type 2
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.07-W2-40 31-12-2022
4. Additional SESAR Solutions in deployment
Basic EAP (extended ATC planning function)
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
Multi-sector planning
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
Optimised route network using advanced RNP
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
Sector team operations - en-route air traffic organiser
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
5. Additional R&D Activities in development
Collaborative control and multi-sector planner in en-route
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.10-W2-70 31-12-2022
Dynamic airspace configuration supporting moving areas
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
Performance based free routing in lower airspace
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity