eATM Portal

Deployment Scenario Title

Dynamic airspace configuration

Deployment Scenario Description Dynamic airspace configuration: the objective is to improve the use of airspace capacity for both civil and military users by increasing the granularity and the flexibility of airspace configuration and management within and across ANSPs’ areas of responsibilities. This will result in the integration of concepts and procedures to allow flexible sectors that can be dynamically modified according to demand. This includes potential implications for ATCO licences, international boundaries, and potentially interoperability and air-ground multi-datalink communication capabilities.
Essential Operational Change Fully Dynamic and Optimised Airspace
Maturity In development phase: Key R&D Activities
Applicable Operating Environment
Airport Terminal Airspace En-Route Network
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035
Performance Contribution of the DS
Capacity Safety Environment Cost-efficiency Operational efficiency
Stakeholders affected (at least one enabler to be deployed)
ANSP AO AU Network Manager
Civil Military Civil Military Civil Military
TWR, APP, ENR, SWIM, AIS, MET APP, ENR, AIS, MET APT Operator Scheduled, BA Fixed, GA, FOC Transport, WOC Network Manager
SESAR Solutions
Solution Code Solution Title Solution Description Related Elements
PJ.08-01 Management of Dynamic Airspace configurations Management of Dynamic Airspace Configurations refers to the development of the process,...
PJ.09-W2-44 Dynamic Airspace Configurations (DAC) The objective of this Key R&D activity is to improve the use of airspace capacity for both...
Operational Improvement Steps
OI Step Code OI Step Title OI Step Description Related Elements
AOM-0208-B Dynamic Mobile Areas (DMA) of types 1 and 2 Dynamic mobile area (DMA) is an integral part of the MT described by a 4D data set. DMA...
AOM-0805 Collaborative Airspace Configuration Airspace configurations are activated through integrated collaborative decision making processes...
AOM-0809-A Initial Sector Design and Configurations Unconstrained by Predetermined Boundaries En-route ATC sectors design principles based on dynamic definition and delineation of volumes of...
CM-0102-B Dynamic Airspace Management based on complexity Following CM-0102-A supporting Dynamic Sectorisation for the purpose of workload and complexity...
Enabler Code Enabler Title Enabler Description Related Elements
AAMS-12 Airspace management system equipped with a method to achieve regional airspace coordination capability Develop a co-ordination tool between AMC, Network Manager and FMP(s) concerned in order to: -...
AAMS-13 ASM scenario management sub-system equipped with tools for assessing the impact of airspace changes on capacity ASM scenario management sub-system enhanced with tools to assist Network functions to assess the...
AAMS-16a Airspace management functions equipped with tools able to deal with free-routing Tools (modelling, simulation) supporting the design and management of new airspace categories,...
AAMS-19 Dynamic Airspace Configuration tools for the Integrated local DCB working position To prepare the future integration of DAC and DCB at local level, new Dynamic Airspace...
AIMS-04 Network management functions supported with real-time airspace data Network management systems enhanced with tools for collection and provision of real time airspace...
AIMS-15 Aeronautical Information sub-system enhanced to be able to handle Dynamic Mobile Areas Aeronautical Information sub-system enhanced to be able to handle moving airspace data such as...
AIMS-22 Airspace management functions enhanced to provide airspace status information Pan-European Airspace Management system enhanced to provide real time airspace status information.
AIMS-23 Enhanced digital data chain to ensure Aeronautical Information data provision to meet full 4D trajectory management requirements Enhanced aeronautical information data provision chain enabling the provision of high quality...
ER APP ATC 15 Flight Data Processing: support Dynamic Sectorisation and Dynamic Constraint Management. Enhance Flight Data Processing function to support Dynamic Sectorisation and Dynamic Constraint...
ER APP ATC 80 Enable ATC System to Use Dynamically-Defined Airspace Reservations Modifications to be performed on ATC systems as a consequence of the introduction of operational...
NIMS-04 ATFCM capacity planning sub-system enhanced to take into account dynamic sector shapes Develop a capacity calculation mechanisms to take account dynamic sector shapes
NIMS-30 ATFCM scenario management equipped with tools for assessing the impact of DAC and capacity changes on trajectory efficiency Develop a DCB/ASM Generic Network Working Position integrating local ASM and DCB to enable ATFCM...
METEO-05c Generate and provide MET information relevant for TMA and En-route related operations at short notice ('time to decision' between 3 minutes and 7days), including for low-level IFR operations. The ATM-MET system is acquiring, generating, assembling and providing Meteorological (MET)...
NIMS-14b Demand Data Repository Phase II The objective of DDR Phase II is to extend the DDR Phase I services by providing traffic...
NIMS-14c Demand Data Repository Phase III DDR Phase III will provide (a) business trajectories (b) forecast traffic samples combining...
NIMS-19 Flight Planning management sub-system enhanced for AFUA Flight Planning management sub-system enhanced for re-processing of flight plans in response to...
PRO-010 Procedures to ensure that all actors involved in the airspace reservations are well aware about the real status of airspace availability and subsequent changes Military Procedures to ensure that all operations that are involved with the airspace reservation...
PRO-146 ASM Procedures for agreeing and promulgating information on Mobile Exclusion Areas -