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Code Title IOC FOC Related Elements Analysis
A/C-01 Enhanced positioning for LPV/RNP based on Single Frequency SBAS 31-12-2020 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-01b Aircraft capability to support Multiple Constellation / Multiple Frequency SBAS LPV 100 Analysis
A/C-02a Enhanced positioning using GBAS single frequency 31-12-2025 31-12-2031 Analysis
A/C-02b Enhanced positioning using multi constellation GNSS dual frequency 31-12-2026 31-12-2032 Analysis
A/C-02c Enhanced Vertical positioning based on GNSS extended to TMA operation 31-12-2030 31-12-2036 Analysis
A/C-03 Determination of a preferred trajectory avoiding an area not existing in on-board data base Analysis
A/C-04 Flight management and guidance for improved lateral navigation in approach via RNP 31-12-2007 31-12-2013 Analysis
A/C-04a Flight management and guidance for Advanced RNP 31-12-2019 31-12-2025 Analysis
A/C-04b Flight management and guidance for RNP 0.3 (Category H(rotorcraft)) in all phases of flight, except final approach and initial missed approach 31-12-2020 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-05a APV Barometric VNAV 31-12-2012 31-12-2018 Analysis
A/C-06 Flight management and guidance for LPV approach based on SBAS 31-12-2020 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-07 Flight management and guidance for RNP transition to ILS/GLS/LPV 31-12-2020 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-08 Flight management and guidance to perform wake-turbulence free approach 31-12-2025 31-12-2031 Analysis
A/C-11 Flight management and guidance for improved single time constraint achievement (CTA/CTO) 31-12-2022 31-12-2028 Analysis
A/C-13 Flight management and guidance to improve longitudinal navigation (4D contract) Analysis
A/C-15b Aircraft functions for Interval Management 31-12-2028 31-12-2034 Analysis
A/C-16a Flight management and guidance to support ASEP-ITF/ITM 31-12-2020 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-16b Flight management and guidance to support ASEP-C&P Analysis
A/C-17 Flight management and guidance to support ASAS self-separation (SSEP) 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
A/C-18 Flight management and guidance for automatic braking according to a pre-defined runway exit 31-12-2022 31-12-2028 Analysis
A/C-19a On-board management and guidance for autonomous taxiing with engine off using electrical power Analysis
A/C-19b Flight management and guidance to support automatic taxi Analysis
A/C-20 Automatic prevention of runway incursion (e.g. stop bar). Analysis
A/C-21 Coupling TCAS II RAs to the aircraft auto flight systems to enable accurate response to TCAS II RAs with display of cues for monitoring the avoidance manoeuvre 31-12-2011 31-12-2017 Analysis
A/C-21b Coupling TCAS II RAs to the aircraft auto flight systems to enable adaptation of altitude capture law in the autoflight control system upon closing traffic 31-12-2011 Analysis
A/C-22 Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS) 31-12-2017 31-12-2023 Analysis
A/C-23a Synthetic vision in low visibility conditions 31-12-2023 31-12-2029 Analysis
A/C-23b1 Combined Vision for Equivalent Visual Landing operations in LVC with HMD 30-09-2023 01-10-2029 Analysis
A/C-23b2 Combined Vision for Equivalent Visual Taxi operations in LVC 30-09-2023 30-09-2029 Analysis
A/C-23b3 Combined Vision for Equivalent Visual Take-off operations in LVC Analysis
A/C-24 Airport moving map and own aircraft position display in cockpit. 31-12-2013 31-12-2019 Analysis
A/C-25 Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness to support surface operations (ATSA-SURF), including reception (ADS-B in), processing and display Analysis
A/C-26 Airborne traffic situational awareness to support in flight operations (ATSA-AIRB), including reception (ADS-B in), processing and display 31-12-2015 31-12-2021 Analysis
A/C-27 Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness to support enhanced Visual Separation on Approach (ATSA-VSA), including reception (ADS-B in), processing and display 31-12-2015 31-12-2021 Analysis
A/C-27a Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness to support CDTI Assisted operations (ATSA-CAVS/CAPP), including reception (ADS-B In), processing, display, and alerts 31-12-2025 31-12-2031 Analysis
A/C-28 Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness to support In-Trail Procedure (ATSA-ITP), including reception (ADS-B in), processing and display 31-12-2015 31-12-2021 Analysis
A/C-29 On-board conflict detection and resolution to support ASAS self-separation 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
A/C-30a On-board prediction of wake turbulences based on aircraft data exchange 31-08-2023 31-08-2029 Analysis
A/C-30b On-board detection of wake-turbulences based on on-board sensor (e.g. LIDAR) 31-12-2020 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-30c Onboard Detection of Wake Turbulence Encounters 31-08-2023 31-08-2029 Analysis
A/C-31 Data link exchange compliant with Link 2000+ 31-12-2011 31-12-2017 Analysis
A/C-31a Controller pilot data link communication (CPDLC) compliant with ATN baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) 31-12-2017 31-12-2023 Analysis
A/C-31c Exchange of clearances or instructions (ASEP) Analysis
A/C-31d Uplink of clearances or instructions (SSEP) Analysis
A/C-33a Class B SATCOM 31-12-2020 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-34 On-board management of clearances or instructions revising trajectory 31-12-2025 31-12-2031 Analysis
A/C-37a Downlink of trajectory data according to contract terms (ADS-C) compliant to ATN baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) 31-12-2021 31-12-2027 Analysis
A/C-39 Flight Management and Guidance for Adaptive Increased Glide Slope (A-IGS) 31-08-2023 31-08-2029 Analysis
A/C-40 Uplink of an area dynamically activated and not existing in on-board data base Analysis
A/C-41 Flight Management and Guidance for Double Slope Approach 31-12-2029 31-12-2035 Analysis
A/C-42a On-board graphical display of taxi clearance (up linked or via voice) using common air/ground airport database Analysis
A/C-42b On-board management of target times 31-12-2020 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-42c On-board management of dynamic update of runway/taxiway status 31-12-2025 31-12-2031 Analysis
A/C-43a1 Traffic Alerts for Pilots during Runway Operations 30-07-2023 30-07-2029 Analysis
A/C-43a2 Traffic Alerts for Pilots during Taxiway Operations 30-07-2023 30-07-2029 Analysis
A/C-43b On-board Alerts on Airport Surface Related to the Conformance to Clearances 31-12-2025 31-12-2031 Analysis
A/C-43c On-board Alerts on Airport Surface Related to the Compliance to the Airport Configuration 31-12-2025 31-12-2031 Analysis
A/C-45 Air ground data link exchange of ATIS via ACARS 31-12-2007 31-12-2013 Analysis
A/C-47 On-board management of meteorological data from on-board sensors for sharing and integration by ATM and ATM-MET systems 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
A/C-48 Air broadcast of aircraft position (ADS-B OUT) compliant with DO260A Analysis
A/C-48a Air broadcast of aircraft position/vector (ADS-B OUT) compliant with DO260B 31-12-2011 31-12-2017 Analysis
A/C-48b Air broadcast of aircraft data (ADS-B OUT) compliant with new DO260C standard Analysis
A/C-53 Flight management and guidance to support NADP 31-12-2008 31-12-2014 Analysis
A/C-54a Enhanced Airborne Collision Avoidance (ACAS) 31-12-2025 31-12-2035 Analysis
A/C-54a0 Extended Hybrid Surveillance 31-12-2020 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-54b ACAS adaptation to new separation modes 31-12-2020 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-56a Flight management and guidance for Precision Approach GBAS CATII/III using GPS L1 31-12-2020 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-56b Flight management and guidance to support GBAS CATII/III using dual GNSS Analysis
A/C-57 On-board migration from existing air-ground data link to air-ground SWIM for AIS/MET services 31-12-2026 31-12-2032 Analysis
A/C-57a Management of MET, and AIM and other operational Information for use in aircraft control domain 01-12-2027 01-12-2033 Analysis
A/C-57c Mobile Device for FIS/TIS data display 31-12-2026 31-12-2032 Analysis
A/C-59 New ADS-B solution to increase the capacity of data broadcasted 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
A/C-61 Handling of additional military datalink messages in military aircraft for ATM purpose. 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
A/C-61b Handling of additional military datalink messages in aircraft for ATM purpose. 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
A/C-61c On-board management of ARES. 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
A/C-64 Dowlinked observed runway surface condition 31-12-2024 31-12-2030 Analysis
A/C-65 On-board surface collision avoidance system Analysis
A/C-67 ADS-B IN 30-07-2023 31-12-2026 Analysis
A/C-68 On-board Traffic situation processing and display for ASAS separation applications, including reception (ADS-B in) Analysis
A/C-69 Access to Information domain - link & routing Analysis
A/C-69a Information Domain application for improved aircraft vertical profile in cruise Analysis
A/C-71 Aircraft Based Augmentation System (ABAS) for Military A/C Analysis
A/C-72 Use of FMS/MMS data base to support mission trajectory 31-12-2024 Analysis
A/C-73 Energy monitoring system during approach and landing to avoid runway excursion for dry or wet runway 31-12-2024 31-12-2030 Analysis
A/C-74 Energy monitoring system during approach and landing to avoid runway excursion for any kind of contamination on runway surface 31-12-2024 31-12-2030 Analysis
A/C-75 Take-off system monitoring to avoid runway excursion Analysis
A/C-81 Flight management and guidance for Curved procedures 31-12-2030 31-12-2036 Analysis
A/C-82 Aircraft predicted runway occupancy time downlinked to ATC 31-12-2022 31-12-2028 Analysis
A/C-83 Head Mounted Display for PinS procedures 30-09-2023 30-09-2029 Analysis
A/C-84 Braking Action Computation Function in On-board Braking Action Computation System 31-12-2024 31-12-2030 Analysis
A/C-86 On-board assistance to aircraft energy management 31-08-2023 31-08-2029 Analysis
A/C-87 On-board assistance to flare 31-08-2023 31-08-2029 Analysis
AAMS-01 Automated impact of Hazard Zones Analysis
AAMS-02 Dynamic Airspace Configuration tools for the Integrated Network Working Position 31-03-2028 31-03-2032 Analysis
AAMS-06a Airspace management system enhanced to generate and distribute planned airspace usage information(CIAM) 31-12-2008 31-12-2012 Analysis
AAMS-06b ASM support systems enhanced to exchange static data and airspace usage data with NM systems in AIXM format 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
AAMS-06c Local ASM Tools to be updated to support Transmission of VPA-related data from local ASM tool to the NM 31-12-2016 31-12-2020 Analysis
AAMS-08 Airspace management system enhanced to support improved collaborative airspace planning 31-12-2008 31-12-2012 Analysis
AAMS-09 Airspace management system enhanced to support the integrated European airspace planning process Analysis
AAMS-09a NM systems enhanced to exchange static data and airspace usage data with ASM support systems in AIXM format 31-12-2014 31-12-2018 Analysis
AAMS-10a Initial airspace management system enhanced with commonly applied GAT/OAT handling 31-12-2019 Analysis
AAMS-11 ASM support systems enhanced to exchange real-time airspace status updates 31-12-2016 31-12-2020 Analysis
AAMS-12 Airspace management system equipped with a method to achieve regional airspace coordination capability 31-12-2015 31-12-2019 Analysis
AAMS-13 ASM scenario management sub-system equipped with tools for assessing the impact of airspace changes on capacity 31-12-2026 31-12-2026 Analysis
AAMS-15 Scenario management sub-system equipped with tools to support pre-tactical CDM 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
AAMS-16a Airspace management functions equipped with tools able to deal with free-routing 31-12-2016 31-12-2024 Analysis
AAMS-16b Airspace management system equipped with tools able to deal with flexible use of airspace 31-12-2027 31-12-2027 Analysis
AAMS-17 adaptation of all AAMS sub-systems to the common ATM information model 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AAMS-18 Airspace management system enhanced to support the European-wide use of Military Training Area as part of the integrated European airspace planning process Analysis
AAMS-19 Dynamic Airspace Configuration tools for the Integrated local DCB working position Analysis
ADSB-0001 ED 126: Safety Performance and Interoperability Requirements for ADS-B in Non Radar Airspace (ADS-B NRA) 31-12-2006 Analysis
ADSB-0002 ED-161: Safety Performance and Interoperability Requirements for ADS-B in Radar Airspace (ADS-B RAD) 31-12-2009 Analysis
ADSB-0003 ED-163: Safety Performance and Interoperability Requirements for ADS-B for Airport Surface Surveillance (ADS-B APT) 31-12-2010 Analysis
ADSB-0004 ED-159: Safety Performance and Interoperability Requirements for ATSAW In-Trail Procedure in Oceanic Airspace (ATSAW ITP) 31-12-2008 Analysis
ADSB-0005 ED-160: Safety Performance and Interoperability Requirements for ATSAW Visual Separation in Approach (ATSAW VSA) 31-12-2008 Analysis
ADSB-0006 ED-164: Safety Performance and Interoperability Requirements for ATSAW during flight operations (ATSAW AIRB) 31-12-2010 Analysis
ADSB-0007 ED-165: Safety Performance and Interoperability Requirements for ATSAW on the airport surface (ATSAW SURF) 31-12-2010 Analysis
ADSB-0101 ICAO Annex 10 for initial ADS-B Application 01-01-2009 Analysis
ADSB-0102 ED 102/DO 260: MOPS for 1090 MHz ADS-B 31-12-2000 Analysis
ADSB-0102a ED102a ADS-B 1090 MHz Extended Squitter 31-12-2009 Analysis
ADSB-0106 ED-129a Technical Specification for a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter ground station for ADS-B Out APT and RAD applications 31-12-2013 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-01 Surface movement control workstation equipped with tools for Controller-Pilot dialogue using datalink 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-02a Surface movement management tools updated to provide the D-TAXI information to the pilot 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-02b Surface movement management tools updated to provide the data-link information to the pilot for Trajectory Based Operations 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-03 Surface movement control workstation equipped with tools for runway incursion detection and alerting 30-04-2014 30-04-2018 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-03a Runway monitoring and conflict alerting (RMCA) system based on alternative aerodrome surveillance 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-04 ANSP Civil ATS Aerodrome service providers (incl. Civil AMS Apron Management Service) Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-05 Surface movement information processing enhancements to support Total Airport DCB and collaborative airport planning 31-10-2028 31-10-2032 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-06 A-SMGCS incorporating the function that detects Conflicting ATC Clearances (CATC) for runway operations Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-06a Alternative aerodrome surveillance incorporating the function that detects Conflicting ATC Clearances (CATC) for runway operations 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-06b A-SMGCS incorporating the function that detects Conflicting ATC Clearances (CATC) on the entire airport surface 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-07 A-SMGCS incorporating the function that provides Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers (CMAC) on the movement area Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-07a Alternative aerodrome surveillance incorporating the function that provides Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers (CMAC) on the movement area 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-07b A-SMGCS incorporating the function that provides an advanced set of Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers (CMAC) on the movement area 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-08 Basic Departure Management (DMAN) integrated with A-CDM systems 31-12-2010 31-12-2014 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-09a Flow based Improvement of operational orchestration among arrival / departure management and surface management services 31-12-2021 31-12-2025 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-09c Improvement of operational orchestration among arrival / departure management and surface management services Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-12 Provision of automatically generated taxi routes for aircraft and vehicles Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-12b Provision of optimised taxi routes for mobiles on the movement area 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-13 Surface movement information processing system enhanced with storage and dissemination of surface routes 31-12-2021 31-12-2025 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-14 Surface movement management tools updated to provide ground clearances and information to the vehicle driver 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-16a Runway Usage Management sub-system capable of processing dynamic wake-turbulence information 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-17 Airport ATC tool to Support Time-Based Separation in Final Approach 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-18 Interfacing between DMAN and Routing module 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-19 Runway Usage Management sub-system capable of processing initial departure path wind conditions information 03-03-2025 03-03-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-20 Enhanced ADDEP (Airport Departure Data Entry Panel) 31-12-2017 31-12-2027 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-21 A-SMGCS extended with dedicated processing to provide alerts for vehicles 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-22 Surface movement control workstation equipped with tools for resolution of surface conflicts 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-23a Enhanced A-SMGCS Core Surveillance function for new A-SMGCS Services Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-25 Aerodrome ATC System to support Second Runway Aiming Point operations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-26 Runway condition awareness management system based on runway sensors 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-27 Sequence Management system enhanced to use new wake turbulence separations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-28 Surface movement control workstation equipped with initial tools for Aerodrome Control Service 31-12-2006 31-12-2010 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-28b Surface movement control workstation in Alternative Ground Surveillance environment 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-29 Enhanced Runway Demand and Capacity system for mixed mode runway Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-30 APP/TWR workstation equipped with wind monitoring and forecast information (incl. winds up to 4000 ft.) Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-31 Surface movement control workstation equipped with tools to better prevent runway excursions 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-32 Runway condition awareness management system based on weather-based runway condition model 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-33 Coupled sequencing tool enhanced to better handle arrivals and departures 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-34 Sequence Management system enhanced to use reduced and predicted ROT 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-35 Surface movement management services enhanced to process the runway exit proposal to be uplinked to the aircraft 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-36 Airport surveillance data processing and distribution upgraded to store and forward flight plan data 31-12-2006 31-12-2010 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-39 Digital ATIS (D-ATIS) provision to the aircraft 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-41 Synchronization of departing traffic flows from multiple airports 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-42a Airport ATC tool to support static pair-wise wake separation (S-PWS) in final approach 31-12-2025 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-44a Departure sequence updated taking into account surface management information 31-12-2018 31-12-2022 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-45 Communication DataLink supporting trajectory management and other flight information during approach, landing, and taxi and departure. Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-46 Provide more accurate Wake turbulence prediction/monitoring system (Current MET Data, Dynamic A/C characteristics) Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-47 Airport ATC Subsystem to incorporate aircraft observed runway surface condition 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-48 Airport ATC subsystem to verify self-adjustment of spacing as a safety net Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-50 Advanced Airport Tower Controller Working Position (A-CWP) 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-51 Remote Tower Centre (RTC) position that in contingency situation hosts ATCO that will no longer be located at the local Tower. 17-01-2021 17-01-2025 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-52 Provide Remote Tower Controller position with visual reproduction of both remoted aerodrome views and other sensor data. 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-53 Remote Tower controller position enhanced with additional sources for low visibility conditions 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-54 Provide a Remote CWP that enables one ATCO to control 2 remote towers (low-density) simultaneously 15-11-2019 15-11-2023 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-55 Airport ATC analyser tool for predicting ROT 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-56 Airport ATC Function exchange current ROT information between a/c and ATC Systems 31-12-2025 31-12-2029 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-57 Advanced Airport Tower CWP to support new functionalities Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-58 Agile synchronisation of arrivals with departure information for the same airport 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-59 Enhanced Surveillance data processing on Airport Surface (APT) 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-60 Airport ATC system to monitor wake turbulence risk using ground-based LIDAR/Radar Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-61 Enhanced surface guidance management services to process the automatic triggering of airport ground signs according to the route issued by ATC 31-03-2022 31-12-2027 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-61b Advanced surface guidance management services to process the automatic triggering of airport ground signs and lighting according to the route issued by ATC 30-12-2027 30-12-2031 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-63 Handle enhanced braking information coordinated between Ground ATC and Pilot via data link 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-64 Medium-Short Term Runway Management capacity planning support tool 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-65 Tactical Runway Management capacity planning support tool 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-66 Tower A-CWP interfaced to the Runway Status Lights management tool 29-04-2021 29-04-2025 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-67 Surface movement control workstation equipped with tools for management of Virtual Block Control supporting LVP 27-02-2021 27-02-2025 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-68 ATC System to support Optimised Runway Delivery on Final Approach 31-12-2025 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-69 ATC system to support optimised departure separation 31-12-2025 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-70 Aerodrome ATC System to support Dual Thresholds operations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-71 Aerodrome ATC System to support Increased Glide slope operations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-72 Aerodrome ATC system to support Adaptive Increased Glide Slope operations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-73 Aerodrome ATC System to support Segmented/Double Slope operations 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-74 Runway Demand and Capacity system enhanced for multiple runway airport 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-75 Tools for provision of alternative ground surveillance and MET conditions (relevant in LVC) 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-77 Aerodrome ATC system to support efficient curved arrival and departures operations Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-78 Airport ATC System adapted to present RECAT-EU categories on Tower Controller HMI 01-12-2015 01-12-2019 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-79 Provide a Multiple Remote Tower Module (MRTM) that enables one ATCO to control multiple remote towers simultaneously 30-06-2027 31-12-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-81 ATCO planning tool for a Multiple Remote Tower Module (MRTM) 30-06-2027 30-06-2031 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-82 Technical supervision from a Multiple Tower Remote Module (MRTM) 30-06-2027 30-06-2031 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-83 Multiple Remote Tower planning tools for Supervisor Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-84 Multiple Remote Tower Module allowing dynamic allocation of aerodromes Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-85 Provide the Multiple Remote Tower Module with automation functionalities to reduce controller workload Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-86 Workstation equipped with 'bubble separation' or 'spacing' tools for monitoring the reduction of spacing between two aircraft 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-87 RWSL management tool fed with airport surveillance data to determine runway usage and to control the airfield Runway Status Lights 29-04-2021 29-04-2026 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-88 Multiple Remote Tower Module provided with basic ground surveillance 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-89 Controller working position equipped with tools providing time critical weather alerts 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-90 ATC Tower System equipped with Taxiway Conflict Detection 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-91 ATC Tower System equipped with Traffic Density Estimation 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-92 Real-time Airport Weather Observation service with Artificial Intelligence algorithms 31-10-2029 31-10-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-93 Aerodrome ATC system to support optimised runway separation delivery in mixed mode operations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-94 Aerodrome ATC system to support IGS-to-SRAP operations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-95 Runway condition awareness management system based on surveillance 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-96 Runway condition awareness management system based on braking action data reported by flight crew 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-97 Runway condition awareness management system based on manual assessment of contamination 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-98 Runway condition awareness management system providing predicted runway surface information 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-100 Controller productivity enhancements by Automatic Speech Recognition at the Aerodrome CWP/HMI 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AERODROME-ATC-101 Controller productivity enhancements by User Profile Management at the Aerodrome CWP/HMI 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-1 ICAO PANS-ATM for initial ADS-C based services 01-01-2008 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-7 Implementing Rules for Datalink Services over ATN 16-01-2009 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-8 Community Specifications for Datalink Services over ATN 24-06-2011 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-10 Update ICAO Doc 9880 for aligning PM-ADS-C and PM-FIS with PM-CPDLC 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-11a New SPR for PM ADS-C services i4D 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-11c New IOP for PM ADS-C services i4D 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-14a New SPR for data link exchange of Departure Clearance (DCL) via ATN B2 31-12-2014 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-14b New SPR for data link exchange of Instructions and clearances (ACL) over ATN B2 31-12-2014 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-14c New SPR for data link exchange of instructions or clearances for ATSA-ITP over ATN B2 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-14d New SPR for data link exchange of instructions or clearances related to CTA allocation (4DTRAD) 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-14e New SPR for data link exchange of clearances or instructions for ASAS Spacing 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-14f New SPR for data link exchange of clearances or instructions for push-back/start-up and taxi (D-Taxi) 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-15a New IOP for data link exchange of Departure Clearance (DCL) via ATN B2 31-12-2014 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-15b New IOP for datalink exchange of Instructions and clearances (ACL) over ATN B2 31-12-2014 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-15c New IOP for data link exchange of instructions or clearances for ATSA-ITP over ATN B2 31-12-2011 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-15d New IOP for data link exchange of instructions or clearances related to CTA allocation (4DTRAD) 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-15e New IOP for data link exchange of clearances or instructions for ASAS Spacing 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-15f New IOP for data link exchange of clearances or instructions for push-back/start-up and taxi (D-Taxi) 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-STD-01 ICAO provisions for CPDLC for IM Analysis
AGDLS-STD-02 ICAO Provisions for new satellite based communications 31-12-2018 Analysis
AGDLS-STD-03 Use of Inmarsat IV satellites in oceanic area 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-STD-04 ICAO Provisions (SARPS and Manual) for Airport Surface Data Communication based on AeroMACS 31-12-2016 Analysis
AGDLS-STD-05 AIS data-link services - MASPS 31-12-2015 Analysis
AGDLS-STD-10 Use of Inmarsat IV satellites SBB precursor in continental area 31-12-2016 Analysis
AGDLS-TECH-1 Update of ED92a for handover and multi-frequency in VDL Mode 2 31-12-2012 Analysis
AGDLS-TECH-2 New ICAO Standard for ATN / IPS 31-12-2020 Analysis
AGDLS-TECH-7 ATN Baseline II Ground System Providing Service to a FANS-1/A aircraft (ED-100A/DO-258A) 31-12-2005 Analysis
AGSWIM-35 Flight Data updates transmitted by AGDLGMS to the Aircraft 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AGSWIM-36 Flight Data dialogues supported by AGDLGMS 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AGSWIM-37 Flight Data updates made by the aircraft leading to ground shared flight data updates 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AGSWIM-38 SWIM enabled services for AGDLGMS 31-12-2015 31-12-2019 Analysis
AGSWIM-41 AGDLGMS in support to provide extended OTIS to the aircraft 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AGSWIM-43 AGDLGMS in support to provide weather information to the aircraft Analysis
AGSWIM-44 Transmission by AGDLGMS of the airborne Weather information to the meteo system for weather model improvement Analysis
AGSWIM-51 Air-ground datalink communications service for arrival manager information delivery Analysis
AIMS-04 Network management functions supported with real-time airspace data 24-03-2028 24-03-2032 Analysis
AIMS-06 Ground-Ground AIS provision to ASM 31-12-2019 Analysis
AIMS-07 Generation of pre-flight briefing information 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
AIMS-07a Generation of Enhanced Pre-flight Briefing based on digital data 31-12-2023 31-12-2030 Analysis
AIMS-13 Controlled & Harmonised Aeronautical Information Network Activity (CHAIN) 31-12-2006 31-12-2010 Analysis
AIMS-14 Set up a digital data chain to ensure the Aeronautical Information data provision into on-board avionic systems 31-10-2020 31-10-2024 Analysis
AIMS-15 Aeronautical Information sub-system enhanced to be able to handle Dynamic Mobile Areas 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
AIMS-16 Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (TOD) 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
AIMS-19a Aeronautical Information system is interfaced to receive and distribute aeronautical information electronically to/from ANSPS systems. 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
AIMS-19b Aeronautical Information system is interfaced to receive and distribute aeronautical information electronically to military systems. 31-12-2024 31-12-2030 Analysis
AIMS-20 Airspace Data Repository 31-12-2010 31-12-2014 Analysis
AIMS-21 Airspace management system enhanced for external user access to the airspace data repository 31-12-2008 31-12-2012 Analysis
AIMS-22 Airspace management functions enhanced to provide airspace status information 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
AIMS-23 Enhanced digital data chain to ensure Aeronautical Information data provision to meet full 4D trajectory management requirements 31-12-2023 31-12-2031 Analysis
AIMS-24 Provide semantic analysis capabilities. 31-12-2026 31-12-2026 Analysis
AIMS-STD-01 Airport Mapping Database 31-12-2016 Analysis
AIRPORT-01 In-vehicle access to ground clearances and information 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AIRPORT-02 TTA Airport Impact Assessment Tool 31-12-2021 31-12-2025 Analysis
AIRPORT-02b Enhanced Airport Impact Assessment Tool Analysis
AIRPORT-03 Airports Operation Plan (AOP) tool 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
AIRPORT-03b Enhanced Airport Operation Plan (AOP) Tool 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AIRPORT-03c Light Airport Operational Plan (AOP) Management Tool (for Regional Airports) 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AIRPORT-04 De-icing support tool in a A-CDM environment 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
AIRPORT-06 UDPP Departure on A-CDM Airport system Analysis
AIRPORT-07 Decision support processes/tools for airport operations management 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AIRPORT-08 Decay Enhancing Devices 31-08-2025 31-08-2029 Analysis
AIRPORT-09 Airport Data Replay System 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AIRPORT-10 Meteo Impact Assessment Tool 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AIRPORT-11 Meteo Advisory Tool 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AIRPORT-12 Airport Business Intelligence System (Machine Learning based on historical data) 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AIRPORT-14 Surface movement control workstation equipped with tools for conflict detection and alerting for Runway operations in an uncontrolled environment 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AIRPORT-16 Provide a ground-based vehicles management service to support 'Non-autonomous Engine-off Taxiing'. Analysis
AIRPORT-30 Use of airport wireless communication infrastructure for mobile data' 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
AIRPORT-31 Airport CDM (levels 1, 2 & 3) 26-06-2010 26-06-2014 Analysis
AIRPORT-33 Provision of departure and arrival constraints to the Aerodrome ATC surface management Analysis
AIRPORT-34 Airport equipped with (real time) environmental monitoring systems 31-12-2008 31-12-2012 Analysis
AIRPORT-35a Airport CDM (level 4 - CDM integrated with passenger process) 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
AIRPORT-35b Airport CDM (level 4 - CDM integrated with landside processes) 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AIRPORT-36 Provision by the Airport Operator of the relevant constraint to Aerodrome ATC 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
AIRPORT-37 Systems for the detection and identification of Foreign Objects Debris (FOD). 31-10-2010 31-10-2014 Analysis
AIRPORT-38 Airport/ATFCM Extended data interface 31-12-2020 31-12-2023 Analysis
AIRPORT-40 Airport Performance Monitoring System 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
AIRPORT-40b Enhanced Airport Performance Monitoring System (Airside/Lanside dashboard) 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AIRPORT-41 Airport Operations Centre Support Tools (Dashboard) 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AIRPORT-42 Tactical Capacity Planning Tools (Airside/Landside) 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AIRPORT-44 On-board vehicle display for taxi information and clearances, using common airport map database Analysis
AIRPORT-45 On-board vehicle system to provide safety net alerts to vehicle drivers 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
AIRPORT-46 On-board vehicle safety net alerts generation 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
AIRPORT-47 Surface Traffic Situational Awareness to process and display in an 'On-board Vehicle System' the own position and surrounding traffic. 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
AIRPORT-48 Advanced Airport UDPP integrated with AOP Monitoring 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AIRPORT-49 Airfield Ground Lighting system upgraded to provide the Runway Status Lights 29-04-2021 29-04-2026 Analysis
AIRPORT-50 Airport Operational Business Model Database for Determination of CDM Event Milestones 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
AIRPORT-51 Airport Data Recording System 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AIRPORT-52 DPI/API revision triggered by airport capacity constrained situations 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
AIRPORT-54 Airport Data Analysis System (Post-Ops based on Recording) 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AIRPORT-55 Data transmission means supporting aircraft-airport exchange of information (airport side) 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
AIS/M-03 Update of ICAO Annex 15 for Electronic Terrain and Obstacle (TOD) 31-12-2012 Analysis
AIS/M-04-2 EUROCAE ED99C/ED119B for Airport Mapping (AMXM) 31-12-2011 Analysis
AOC-ATM-10 Modification of AOC/WOC-ATM trajectory management system (or new systems) to allow quality of service requested by NOP for pre-flight trajectory with dynamic routing 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
AOC-ATM-11 LOAs Integration in FOC trajectories 31-12-2026 31-12-2032 Analysis
AOC-ATM-13 Participating of the FOC/ WOC in the airport triggered CDM process 31-12-2020 31-12-2025 Analysis
AOC-ATM-14 Upgrade of WOC system to handle improved OAT flight plans 31-12-2024 31-12-2030 Analysis
AOC-ATM-15 Upgrade of Wing Ops System Technical Architecture to provide Military Mission Trajectory Services 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
AOC-ATM-17 UDPP Departure system for FOC 31-12-2021 31-12-2025 Analysis
AOC-ATM-18 FOC adaptation to support UDPP 31-12-2026 31-12-2032 Analysis
AOC-ATM-20 Sharing of trajectory data between AOC/WOC and the ATM world using B2B web services 06-07-2018 06-07-2024 Analysis
AOC-ATM-22 TT data integration in the FOC trajectory 31-12-2026 31-12-2032 Analysis
AOC-ATM-23 SID/STAR and RunwayConfigurationPlan information integration in the FOC trajectory 31-12-2026 31-12-2032 Analysis
AOC-ATM-24 Integration of the AOWIR service provisions 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
AOC-ATM-25 Integration of PFP/eFPL submission in the flight planning 31-12-2024 31-12-2030 Analysis
AOC-ATM-26 Integration of the AOWIR service provisions 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
APP ATC 61 Ground functions for Interval Management 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
APP ATC 62 Demand and Capacity system enhanced to better handle departure flows out of the TMA 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
APP ATC 63 Demand and Capacity system enhanced to better handle approach sectors/flow load in real-time 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
APP ATC 74 ATC System Support for Reduced, Weather-Dependent Separation Standards in Final Approach 31-12-2025 31-12-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 92 ATC tools to re-organize traffic flows to reduce complexity 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
APP ATC 94 ATC tools in support of RNP (e.g. RNP1, A-RNP, RNP APCH, etc.) for Approach/TMA 31-12-2021 31-12-2025 Analysis
APP ATC 99 ATC System to use Real-Time Meteo Information Received From Met Systems 31-12-2025 31-08-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 110 Enhance Arrival Management to collaborate with non-local Departure Management. 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
APP ATC 111 Enhance AMAN to extend arrival management to en-route airspace - single TMA 31-12-2021 31-12-2025 Analysis
APP ATC 112 Approach ATC System to support Segmented/Double Slope operations 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
APP ATC 113 Approach ATC System to support Adaptive Increased Glide Slope operations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 114 Approach ATC System to support Increased Glide Slope operations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 115 Approach ATC System to support Second Runway Aiming Point operations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 116 APP ATC System to support Dual Thresholds operations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 117 Enable ATC System to Allow Dynamic Resizing of TMA Sectors 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
APP ATC 118 ATC System to support static pair-wise wake separation (S-PWS) on approach 31-12-2025 31-08-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 119 Approach ATC System Support for Curved Arrival and Departures Operations, including the use of Geometric Altitude 31-12-2030 31-12-2034 Analysis
APP ATC 120 ATC System to support Optimised Runway Delivery on Final Approach 31-12-2025 31-08-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 126 ATC System to Support Pairwise Separation in Specific Conditions based on down-linked parameters 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
APP ATC 134 Adapt Safety Nets for Support to RNP in Approach/TMA 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
APP ATC 136 Adapt STCA for Operation in TMA 31-12-2017 31-12-2027 Analysis
APP ATC 144 CPDLC for IM - ATC Analysis
APP ATC 148 System Support For Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA) 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
APP ATC 155 ATC System Support to Medium-Term Conflict Detection and Resolution in the TMA 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 156 ATC System to Support Time-Based Separation in Final Approach 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
APP ATC 158 Enhanced arrival management to cover ground holding at the departure aerodrome 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
APP ATC 159 Approach ATC system updated for Minimum Separation Based on Required Surveillance Performance (separation delivery) 31-12-2025 31-12-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 160 ATC System adapted to present RECAT-EU categories on ATCO HMI 01-12-2015 01-12-2019 Analysis
APP ATC 161 Enhance AMAN to support Flow based Integration of Arrival and Departure Management 31-12-2021 31-12-2025 Analysis
APP ATC 162 AMAN Sequence build with integration of constraints applied for DCB/dDCB purposes 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
APP ATC 163 Approach ATC system to support IGS-to-SRAP operations 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 164 APP ATC System adapted to support integrated arrival/departure sequence functionalities in ATCO¿s HMI 31-08-2026 31-08-2030 Analysis
APP ATC 165 Upgraded Approach NTZ safety-net using DAPs via ADS-B information 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
APP ATC 166 Upgraded Approach NTZ safety-net using DAPs via Mode-S information 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
APP ATC 168 ATC System Support for Advanced Conformance Monitoring in the TMA 09-12-2026 09-12-2030 Analysis
ASAS-0202 New SPR and IOP for ASAS Spacing Application (ED-195) 31-12-2011 Analysis
ASAS-STD-01 MOPS for ASAS Spacing Application - ED-195A Updated SPR and Interop for ASPA FIM 31-12-2015 Analysis
ASAS-STD-02 ICAO provisions for Interval Managament Analysis
ASMGCS-0101 Update of ICAO Annex 14 for A-SMGCS 31-12-2006 Analysis
ASMGCS-0102 Update of ICAO Manual Doc 9476-AN/927 for A-SMGCS 31-12-2006 Analysis
ASMGCS-0103 EUROCONTROL IS/SUR MODES/SYS/002 - Ed 1.0 22: Mode S Transponder in an Airport/A-SMGCS Environment 31-12-2006 Analysis
ASMGCS-0104 Community Specifications on A-SMGCS Surveillance & Airport Safety Nets 30-04-2014 Analysis
ASMGCS-0113 Update of EUROCAE ED116 (MOPS) for A-SMGCS Surface Movement Radar 01-01-2008 Analysis
ASMGCS-0114 Update of EUROCAE ED117 (MOPS) for A-SMGCS Multilateration Systems 01-01-2008 Analysis
ASMGCS-0115 Update of EUROCAE ED128 for A-SMGCS Guidelines for Surveillance Data Fusion 01-01-2007 Analysis
ASMGCS-STD-01 MASPS and new MOPS for A-SMGCS new functions for PCP 31-12-2017 Analysis
ATC-STD-01 Ground-Ground flight data exchange 31-12-2017 Analysis
ATC-STD-02 Pre-departure extended Flight Plan 31-12-2016 Analysis
BTNAV-0306 MOPS for GBAS Cat I Ground Sub-System (ED-114A) 31-12-2013 Analysis
BTNAV-0307a MOPS/ICD for GBAS receiver (ED-88) 01-01-2010 Analysis
BTNAV-0310 Community Specifications for GBAS Cat I & APV Approaches 31-12-2018 Analysis
BTNAV-0501 FAA order 8400.13 / EU OPS for HUD/EVS usage Procedures 31-12-2011 Analysis
BTNAV-0502 Update of Minimum Performance Standard for Enhanced Vision (EV) 31-12-2013 Analysis
BTNAV-0503 New ARP standard for Transport Category Airplane HUD/SVS systems 31-12-2015 Analysis
BTNAV-0504 Update of Minimum Performance Standard for Airborne Synthetic Vision (SV) 31-12-2017 Analysis
BTNAV-STD-01 Enhanced navigation capability to support CTA 31-12-2014 Analysis
BTNAV-STD-02 Navigation Performance in ICAO provisions for Enhanced CTA 31-12-2016 Analysis
BTNAV-STD-03 Galileo service and antenna 31-12-2016 Analysis
BTNAV-STD-04 Galileo Open Service in ICAO provisions 31-12-2018 Analysis
BTNAV-STD-05 GPS L5 service in ICAO provisions 31-12-2018 Analysis
BTNAV-STD-06 Update ICAO PANS-ATM for RNAV/RNP, curved approaches and Initial 4D capabilities 31-12-2013 Analysis
BTNAV-STD-07 Update of ICAO Doc 9931 for Continuous Descent Operations (CDO) 31-12-2014 Analysis
BTNAV-STD-08 Update of ICAO provisions for initial GBAS Cat II/III based using GPS L1 31-12-2018 Analysis
BTNAV-STD-10 MASPS for initial GBAS Cat II/III 31-12-2018 Analysis
CDM-01 Community Specifications for A-CDM 26-06-2010 Analysis
CTE-C01 A/G Voice radio 31-12-2012 31-12-2016 Analysis
CTE-C01a Existing Voice radio (VHF 25/8.33KHz) 31-12-2012 31-12-2016 Analysis
CTE-C01b New Digital A/G Voice 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
CTE-C01c SATCOM Voice for ATC (oceanic and Polar) 31-12-2012 31-12-2016 Analysis
CTE-C02 A/G Datalink radio 31-12-1980 31-12-1984 Analysis
CTE-C02a A/G datalink over ACARS (POA/AOA) 31-12-1980 31-12-1984 Analysis
CTE-C02b A/G Datalink over ATN/OSI - Single frequency 31-12-2005 31-12-2009 Analysis
CTE-C02c A/G Datalink over ATN/OSI - Multi frequency 31-12-2021 31-12-2025 Analysis
CTE-C02d New Airport Datalink technology (AEROMACS) 31-12-2022 31-12-2028 Analysis
CTE-C02d0 New Airport Datalink technology (AEROMACS) 31-12-2029 31-12-2035 Analysis
CTE-C02e New A/G datalink using ATN/IPS over L-band 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
CTE-C02f Future Satcom for ATM: SATCOM Class B in Multilink 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
CTE-C02g Air to Air functionality of New A/G radios 31-12-2029 31-12-2035 Analysis
CTE-C02h Future Satcom for ATM - Long term Satcom/IRIS ( class A Satcom) Analysis
CTE-C03 Commercial Telecom Infrastructure (SATCOM, Gatelink) 31-12-2000 31-12-2004 Analysis
CTE-C03a Commercial wireless airport surface communication (Gatelink) 31-12-2000 31-12-2004 Analysis
CTE-C03b Broadband Satcom Datalink (i.e. Global Express) 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
CTE-C03c Commercial wireless technologies at the Airport surface (not for safety-critical services) 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
CTE-C03d Commercial mobile/cellular telecommunications to support non-safety services for General Aviation 31-12-2026 31-12-2032 Analysis
CTE-C04 Future Communication Infrastructure - ATN/IPS and Multilink 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
CTE-C05 Ground ATS Voice 31-12-2013 31-12-2017 Analysis
CTE-C05a VoIP for ground telephony Analysis
CTE-C05b Digital Voice / VoIP for ground segment of Air-Ground voice Analysis
CTE-C06 Ground ATM Data communication Network 31-12-2010 31-12-2014 Analysis
CTE-C06a PENS - Phase 1 31-12-2010 31-12-2014 Analysis
CTE-C06b PENS - Phase 2 31-12-2016 31-12-2020 Analysis
CTE-C06c AMHS 31-12-2012 31-12-2016 Analysis
CTE-C06d Gateway for CIV/MIL Interoperability 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
CTE-C07a VDL2 infrastructure optimisation 31-12-2013 31-12-2017 Analysis
CTE-C07b Frequency Optimisation 31-12-2013 31-12-2017 Analysis
CTE-C14 Advanced VCS (Voice Com System) for a Multiple Remote Tower Module (MRTM) 30-06-2027 31-12-2030 Analysis
CTE-CGOV01 Data communications Service Provision for ATS and AOC services Analysis
CTE-CGOV02 Data and voice Communications Service Provision for ATS and AOC services Analysis
CTE-CGOV03 Telco service provider for IP data network supporting ATM services Analysis
CTE-N01 GPS L1/L5 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
CTE-N02 GALILEO E1/E5 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
CTE-N03 GLONASS-K 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
CTE-N04 BEIDOU B1/B5 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
CTE-N05 GNSS performance assessment system 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
CTE-N06 Space Based Augmentation System (SBAS) 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
CTE-N06a EGNOS V2.4.X 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
CTE-N06b EGNOS V3 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
CTE-N07 Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) 31-12-2025 31-12-2029 Analysis
CTE-N07a GBAS Cat I based on Single-Constellation / Single-Frequency GNSS (GPS L1) 31-12-2012 31-12-2016 Analysis
CTE-N07b GBAS Cat II/III based on Single-Constellation / Single-Frequency GNSS (GPS L1) 31-12-2025 31-12-2035 Analysis
CTE-N07c GBAS Cat II/III based on Multi-Constellation / Multi-Frequency (MCMF) GNSS (GPS + GALILEO / L1 + L5) 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
CTE-N07d GBAS expanded service volume 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
CTE-N07e GBAS CAT II/III based on Single-Constellation / Single-Frequency GNSS (GPS L1) extension to equatorial and Nordic regions 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
CTE-N07f GBAS robustness towards interference 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
CTE-N07g GBAS GS status data provision 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
CTE-N08 DME Ground Infrastructure optimisation 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
CTE-N08c Modern DME Transponder 31-12-2021 31-12-2030 Analysis
CTE-N09 ILS (Instrument Landing System) Analysis
CTE-N10 Microwave Landing System (MLS) Analysis
CTE-N11 NDB Decommissioning 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
CTE-N12 VOR/DME MON (Minimum Operational Network) 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
CTE-N13a A-PNT (Alternative Positioning Navigation and Timing) 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
CTE-N14 Rationalisation of approach and landing systems 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
CTE-NGOV01 Ground Navaids Optimisation/Rationalisation Plans Analysis
CTE-S01 Secondary SUR Radars 31-12-2006 31-12-2010 Analysis
CTE-S01a SSR Mode A/C/S 31-12-2006 31-12-2010 Analysis
CTE-S02 Primary SUR sensor 31-10-2010 31-10-2014 Analysis
CTE-S02a Primary Surveillance Radar 31-10-2010 31-10-2014 Analysis
CTE-S02b Surface Movement Radar 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
CTE-S02c Multi Static Primary Surveillance Radar 31-12-2024 31-12-2028 Analysis
CTE-S02d Video Based Surveillance Analysis
CTE-S03 ADS-B Receiving Station 31-12-2008 31-12-2012 Analysis
CTE-S03a ADS-B station for NRA surveillance 31-12-2008 31-12-2012 Analysis
CTE-S03b ADS-B station for RAD and APT surveillance 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
CTE-S03c New ADS-B station for future ADS-B applications 31-12-2024 31-12-2028 Analysis
CTE-S03d Satellite based ADS-B technology 31-12-2024 31-12-2028 Analysis
CTE-S03e ADS-B transmitter for vehicles 31-12-2008 31-12-2012 Analysis
CTE-S03f New ADS-B receiver for vehicles 31-12-2008 31-12-2012 Analysis
CTE-S03g ACAS monitoring technology 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
CTE-S04 Multilateration ground System 31-12-2010 31-12-2014 Analysis
CTE-S04a Wide Area Multilateration (WAM) 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
CTE-S04b Airport Multilateration (MLAT) 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
CTE-S05 Gradual rationalisation of conventional surveillance infrastructure (ADS-B/WAM vs SSR and MSPSR vs PSR) 12-09-2018 12-09-2022 Analysis
CTE-S06 Composite Surveillance Analysis
CTE-S07 Surveillance Performance Monitoring Tools 08-06-2030 08-06-2034 Analysis
CTE-S07a Coop sensor SPM Tool ¿ ER & TMA 08-06-2030 08-06-2034 Analysis
CTE-S07b Coop sensor SPM Tool ¿ Surface 08-06-2030 08-06-2034 Analysis
CTE-S07d Non-Coop sensor SPM Tool ¿ Surface 08-06-2030 08-06-2034 Analysis
CTE-S07e SUR Chain SPM Tool ¿ ER & TMA 08-06-2030 08-06-2034 Analysis
ENV-05 Guidance for community relations at airports 31-12-2008 Analysis
ENV-06 Central environmental guidance web-portal 31-12-2008 Analysis
ENV-07 (Local) monitoring of environmental performance 31-12-2008 Analysis
ER APP ATC 10 Mission Trajectory including airspace reservations integrated in ATC systems 31-12-2027 31-12-2032 Analysis
ER APP ATC 14 Enhance Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA) to use Downlinked Aircraft Parameters 31-12-2015 31-12-2027 Analysis
ER APP ATC 15 Flight Data Processing: support Dynamic Sectorisation and Dynamic Constraint Management. Analysis
ER APP ATC 17 Enhance Traffic and Flow Management sub-systems to support dynamic flow management in co-ordination with local, regional, and European levels. 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
ER APP ATC 68 Enable Controller workstation to indicate when aircraft systems indicates an RA occurrence. 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
ER APP ATC 69 STCA Separation Parameters Defined for Various Types of Aircraft and Operations Analysis
ER APP ATC 75 Enhance FDP for Direct Route and Free Route Operations 31-12-2016 31-12-2020 Analysis
ER APP ATC 76 Enable systems to differentiate between different traffic type airspaces. 31-12-2020 31-12-2024 Analysis
ER APP ATC 77 ATC Systems enhanced to exchange real-time (tactical) airspace status data with ASM support system 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
ER APP ATC 78 Update FDP to support 4D trajectory direct segments in free routing airspace beyond local AoR 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
ER APP ATC 80 Enable ATC System to Use Dynamically-Defined Airspace Reservations 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
ER APP ATC 82 Enhance EN/APP ACC to use eFPL data 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
ER APP ATC 82b Enhance FDP to process iSMT/iRMT 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
ER APP ATC 86 Enhance FDP to use locally related parts of the 4D trajectory 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
ER APP ATC 90 Enable En-Route and Approach ATC sub-systems to manage 4D contracts 31-12-2025 31-12-2029 Analysis
ER APP ATC 91 Enable En-Route and Approach ATC sub-system to manage 3D precision trajectory clearances 31-12-2025 31-12-2029 Analysis
ER APP ATC 93 Enhance Resource Management and Planning Tools to use Traffic Complexity Assessment. 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
ER APP ATC 96 ATC System Support to Permit a Single Planner Role Associated to Multiple Tactical Roles 30-09-2026 30-09-2030 Analysis
ER APP ATC 100 4D Trajectory Management by Synchronization of Air and Ground Trajectories through EPP 31-12-2022 31-12-2024 Analysis
ER APP ATC 101 4D Trajectory Management to support the RBT (Reference Business Trajectory) revision process 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
ER APP ATC 102 ATC System Support to Adapted Sector Team Roles Based on Flexible Collaboration of Tactical Controllers Supported by a Single Planner 31-12-2024 31-12-2028 Analysis
ER APP ATC 103 Enhance Monitoring Aids to Use RBT/RMT Constraints and Commitments Analysis
ER APP ATC 104 Adapt Controller Conflict Detection and Resolution Tools to Use Enhanced Ground-Based Trajectory Prediction 09-12-2026 09-12-2030 Analysis
ER APP ATC 104b Adapt Controller Conflict Detection and Resolution Tools to Use Enhanced Trajectory Prediction 30-12-2029 30-12-2033 Analysis
ER APP ATC 104c Adapt Controller Conformance Monitoring Tools to Use Enhanced Ground-Based Trajectory Prediction 09-12-2026 09-12-2030 Analysis
ER APP ATC 104d Adapt Controller Conformance Monitoring Tools to Use Enhanced Trajectory Prediction 30-12-2029 30-12-2033 Analysis
ER APP ATC 109 Support for Metering Of Interacting Arrival Flows to Multiple Airports Upstream of the TMAs 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
ER APP ATC 111 Enhance AMAN to provide arrival sequence time information into En-Route decision making. Analysis
ER APP ATC 119 Air/Ground Datalink Communication/Protocols for i4D and Controlled Time of Arrival 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
ER APP ATC 120 Enhance Conflict Detection and Resolution to Use the RBT/RMT 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
ER APP ATC 121 Management and Delivery of Pre-Defined 2D RNP Clearances 31-12-2021 31-12-2025 Analysis
ER APP ATC 123 Enhance FDP and Traffic and Capacity Tools to Support the Dynamic Transfer of Sectors between ACCs. 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
ER APP ATC 124 Basic Resource Management and Planning Tools. Analysis
ER APP ATC 125 Management and Delivery of 2D RNP Clearances 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
ER APP ATC 128 Introduce Basic AMAN 15-05-2019 15-05-2023 Analysis
ER APP ATC 129 Upgrade FDP and provide Controller Tools to provide assistance to ATC Planning for Preventing Conflicts in En-Route Airspace Analysis
ER APP ATC 130 Upgrade FDP and provide Controller Tools to provide Controller with warnings if aircraft deviate from a clearance or plan Analysis
ER APP ATC 132 Transition ER and APP ATC systems from use of direct AGDL connection to use of European gateway. 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
ER APP ATC 133 Upgrade Ground Safety Nets to provide Area Penetration Warning (APW), Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) and Approach Path Monitoring to Controller Workstations. Analysis
ER APP ATC 137 Enhance Safety Nets to use ADS-B information Analysis
ER APP ATC 140 Enhance Controller Tools to Support Delegated ASAS Separation in a Mixed Mode control environment. 31-12-2037 31-12-2041 Analysis
ER APP ATC 143 Upgrade of ATC System to handle Improved OAT Flight Plan 31-12-2024 31-12-2028 Analysis
ER APP ATC 145 Controllers HMI able to identify and indicate the flights authorised to maintain self separation. 31-12-2037 31-12-2041 Analysis
ER APP ATC 146 Approach ATC subsystem to verify self-adjustment of spacing as a safety net Analysis
ER APP ATC 149a Air-Ground Datalink Exchange to Support i4D - Extended Projected Profile (EPP) 31-12-2022 31-12-2024 Analysis
ER APP ATC 149b Air-Ground Datalink Exchange to Support i4D - ETA min/max 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
ER APP ATC 149c Air-Ground Datalink Exchange to Support i4D - Controlled Time of Arrival/Overflight (CTA/CTO) Analysis
ER APP ATC 150 CPDLC messages in support of trajectory management (e.g. TC-SA) Analysis
ER APP ATC 160 ATC to ATC Flight Data Exchange Using The Flight Object 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
ER APP ATC 162 ATC Flight Data Exchange with NM Using the Flight Object 31-12-2024 31-12-2028 Analysis
ER APP ATC 163 CWP & ground processing systems for ADS-B in Non-Radar Airspace (ADS-B NRA) 31-12-2012 31-12-2016 Analysis
ER APP ATC 164 Enhance ATC System to Receive and Integrate ADS-B data Analysis
ER APP ATC 165 CWP & ground processing systems for ATSAW ITP Analysis
ER APP ATC 167 ATC Planned Trajectories improvement with new ADS-C reports, eFPL and surveillance information. 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
ER APP ATC 168 Enable ATC System to manage improved OAT flight plans with inherent ARES information (reservation restrictions) in accordance with VPA design principle. 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
ER APP ATC 169 ATC System Support to Permit a Single Planner Role Associated to Single Person Operations 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
ER APP ATC 170 ATC LOA Status Update 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
ER APP ATC 171 Upgraded En-route and Approach STCA safety-net using DAPs via ADS-B information 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
ER APP ATC 172 Upgraded En-route and Approach STCA safety-net using DAPs via Mode-S information 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
ER APP ATC 173 ATC System Support to Collaboration between Controller Teams for Flexible Bypassing of Initial Planned Profiles 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
ER APP ATC 174 ATC System to Support Flight-Centric ATC Analysis
ER APP ATC 175 Introduction of a new virtualistion technical concept for Controller Working Positions in the Virtual Centre Air Traffic Service Unit (VC ATSU) for improving cost efficiency. 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
ER APP ATC 180 Controller productivity enhancements by Automatic Speech Recognition at the ER/APP CWP/HMI 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
ER APP ATC 181 Controller productivity enhancements by Multi-Touch Input at the ER/APP CWP/HMI 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
ER APP ATC 182 Controller productivity enhancements by Attention Guidance at the CWP/HMI 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
ER APP ATC 183 Controller productivity enhancements by User Profile Management at the ER/APP CWP/HMI 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
ER APP ATC 184 ATM Data Service Provider for ATC services in a Virtual Centre context 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
ER APP ATC 185 ATM Data Service Provider for Voice services in a Virtual Centre context 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
ER APP ATC 186 Virtual Centre ATSU 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
ER ATC 91 ATC System Support for Advanced Conformance Monitoring in En-route Airspace 31-12-2016 31-12-2020 Analysis
ER ATC 92 ATC tools to re-organize traffic flows to reduce complexity in the planning phase 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
ER ATC 94 ATC tools in support of RNP (e.g. RNP1, A-RNP) for En-Route 31-12-2024 31-12-2028 Analysis
ER ATC 95 ATC System Support to Permit a Single Planner Role Associated to Two Adjacent Tactical Roles 31-12-2016 31-12-2020 Analysis
ER ATC 134 Adapt Safety Nets for Support to RNP Operations En-route 31-10-2020 31-10-2024 Analysis
ER ATC 154a Basic air-ground datalink communications service derived from the CM and CPDLC applications Analysis
ER ATC 154b Enhance En-route ATC sub-systems (internal processing, FDP and Controller Workstation) to enable CPDLC dialog with Pilot 31-12-2011 31-12-2015 Analysis
ER ATC 157 Enhanced ATC System Support to the Tactical Controller for Conflict Detection and Resolution in En-Route Analysis
ER ATC 157b Enhanced ATC System Support the Planning Activity for Conflict Detection and Resolution in En-Route 31-12-2030 31-12-2034 Analysis
ER ATC 158 Enroute ATC System Share and Display Sequencing Advisories from Multiple AMANs 31-12-2028 31-12-2032 Analysis
ER ATC 163 Support to En-route delay absorption for cross-border implementation of arrival sequence 31-12-2021 31-12-2025 Analysis
ER ATC 164 ATC tools to re-organize traffic flows to reduce complexity in the execution phase 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
FCM-01 Community Specifications for Initial Flight Plan Management (Including CFMU) 04-12-2007 Analysis
FOC-002 Assessment of real time ASM data 31-03-2028 31-03-2034 Analysis
FOC-003 FOC capabilities to support advanced RNP operations Analysis
FOC-004 Optimised climb and descents path calculation in FOC Analysis
FOC-005 FOC capabilities to participate in UDPP Analysis
FOC-006 FOC flight lifecycle monitoring and situational awareness capabilities Analysis
FOC-007 Improved flight crew briefing through integration of digital data 31-12-2019 Analysis
FOC-007a FIS/TIS Data Processing Unit 31-12-2026 31-12-2032 Analysis
FOC-008 Processing of ADD information for flight monitoring purposes 31-12-2022 Analysis
FOC-009 Improved trajectory planning through consideration of ground operation milestones and actual taxi time. 31-12-2020 Analysis
GGSWIM-10c SWIM Supervision for Step3 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
GGSWIM-11 ATM Information based on a common Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) 31-12-2012 31-12-2016 Analysis
GGSWIM-51c SWIM Ground-ground messaging services in Step3 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
GGSWIM-52 Provision and use of ground-ground data communications services for aeronautical information- EAD Analysis
GGSWIM-53 A common Aeronautical Information Conceptual Model (AICM) 31-12-2012 31-12-2016 Analysis
GSURV-0101 Surveillance Performance and Interoperability (SPI) Implementing Rule 22-11-2011 Analysis
GSURV-0113 EUROCAE ED142 for 1090ES Wide Area Multilateration specifications 31-12-2009 Analysis
GSURV-STD-01 New Standard for Ground Doppler X-Band Radar specifications 31-12-2014 Analysis
GSURV-STD-02 New Standard for Ground Based Doppler Lidar specifications 31-12-2014 Analysis
HUM-002 Human factors flight crews - Interval Management 31-12-2028 31-12-2029 Analysis
HUM-003 Human factors ATCOs - Interval Management 31-12-2028 31-12-2029 Analysis
HUM-004 New staffing configuration / Extended ATC Planner in en-route 31-12-2016 31-12-2020 Analysis
HUM-005 New staffing configuration/ Single Person Operation 31-12-2028 31-12-2029 Analysis
HUM-006 New staffing configuration/ Multi Sector Planner in TMA/eTMA 30-09-2026 30-09-2030 Analysis
HUM-007 New communication and interaction patterns between stakeholders of airport operations linked to collaborative rolling AOP/NOP management. 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
HUM-008 Role of APOC supervisor 31-12-2027 31-12-2028 Analysis
HUM-009 New role of APOC representative from Airport Operator 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
HUM-010 New role of APOC representative from Ground Handling Agent Analysis
HUM-011 New role of APOC representative from Airspace User 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
HUM-012 New role of APOC representative from ANSP 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
HUM-013 Tasks transfer from AOP stakeholders to APAMS 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
HUM-014 New interactions and communication patterns for the integration of landside process outputs into the A-CDM process. 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
HUM-015 New working methods for the integration of landside process outputs into the A-CDM process. 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
HUM-016 New working methods for the integration of the Airport Transit View (ATV) into the A-CDM process. 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
HUM-017 New working methods for operation within FC-ATC Environment Analysis
HUM-018 New staffing configuration/ Multi Sector Planning in En-Route 30-09-2026 30-09-2027 Analysis
HUM-019 New task to analyse the DCB impact and decide on the next action for the flight plan 31-12-2027 31-12-2028 Analysis
HUM-020 MET Observer 31-10-2029 31-10-2030 Analysis
HUM-TS-0305 Initial training, competence and/or adaptation of new/active operational staff for the application and use of the enhancements and improvements included of the OI Step Arrival Management Extended to En-Route Airspace Analysis
METEO-03 Provision and monitoring of real-time airport weather information (PCP) 01-07-2022 01-07-2026 Analysis
METEO-03c Provision and monitoring of real-time airport weather information for time-based separation and curved approaches 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
METEO-04b Generate and provide MET information services relevant for Airport and final approach related operations (PCP) 01-07-2022 01-07-2026 Analysis
METEO-04c Generate and provide MET information relevant for Airport and approach related operations at short notice ('time to decision' between 3 minutes and 7days) including rotorcraft and RPAS 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
METEO-04d Generate and provide MET information relevant for Airport and final approach for at shortest notice (less than 3 minutes 'time to decision' horizon) Analysis
METEO-05b Generate and provide MET information relevant for TMA and En-route related operations (PCP) 01-07-2022 01-07-2026 Analysis
METEO-05c Generate and provide MET information relevant for TMA and En-route related operations at short notice ('time to decision' between 3 minutes and 7days), including for low-level IFR operations. 31-12-2026 31-12-2032 Analysis
METEO-05d Generate and provide MET information relevant for TMA and En-route related operations at shortest notice (less than 3 minutes 'time to decision') Analysis
METEO-06b Generate and provide MET information relevant for Network related operations (PCP) 01-07-2022 01-07-2026 Analysis
METEO-06c Generate and provide Meteorological information relevant at short notice ('time to decision' between 3 minutes and 7days) 31-12-2026 31-12-2030 Analysis
METEO-07c Integrated system of infrared and visual cameras to enable automatic detection of LVC 31-10-2029 31-10-2033 Analysis
METEO-08b All-weather remote sensing of high resolution 3D aerodrome wind field 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
METEO-08c Integrated system of 3D scanning Doppler X-Band radar and long range Doppler lidar for all-weather wind monitoring 31-10-2029 31-10-2033 Analysis
METEO-10a VIS Camera for visibility measurement and cloud monitoring 31-10-2029 31-10-2033 Analysis
METEO-10b IR Camera for cloud monitoring 31-10-2029 31-10-2033 Analysis
METEO-11a Wind monitoring in wet conditions using data from Doppler Weather Radar 31-10-2029 31-10-2033 Analysis
METEO-11b Wind monitoring in dry conditions using data from Scanning Doppler Lidar 31-10-2029 31-10-2033 Analysis
METEO-12a Compile data for METForTAM service 31-10-2029 31-10-2033 Analysis
METEO-12b Compile data for METForWTS service 31-10-2029 31-10-2033 Analysis
MIL-0103 Wing Operations Centre Mission Support System (including update/revision) of iMT 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
MIL-0104 Input of meteo data into the Wing Operations Centre Mission Support System 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
MIL-0105 CDM data integrated into the Wing Operations Centre Mission Support System 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
MIL-0106 Wing Operations Centre Mission Support System enhanced to support the CDM process 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
MIL-0107 Wing Operations Centre Mission Support System (including update/revision) of MT in Trajectory Based Operations environment 31-12-2029 31-12-2033 Analysis
MIL-0108 Exchange of specific MT data (ARES description) in standard format 31-12-2027 31-12-2033 Analysis
MIL-0501 Specifications for the interoperability of military ground systems with SWIM Analysis
MIL-0502 Upgrade of military ground systems to allow bi-directional exchanges with non-military IP networks 31-12-2020 31-12-2025 Analysis
MIL-0703 Migrate military systems wave forms to software defined radio solutions [link 16 to JTRS] Analysis
MIL-0704 Standard interface for multi-link environment integrating military aircraft 31-12-2023 Analysis
MIL-STD-01 Trajectory management and improved navigation Analysis
MIL-STD-02 Vertical navigation for fighter aircraft Analysis
MIL-STD-03 Update of IFPS User Manual to include OAT Specificities in the Flight Plan (Improved OAT flight plan) Analysis
MIL-STD-04 Procedure to implement EUROAT rules. 30-10-2013 Analysis
NIMS-02 Provision , reception and processing of collaborative flight plan updates 31-12-2011 31-12-2015 Analysis
NIMS-03 Reception of DPI messages 31-12-2017 31-12-2029 Analysis
NIMS-04 ATFCM capacity planning sub-system enhanced to take into account dynamic sector shapes 31-12-2026 31-12-2026 Analysis
NIMS-06 Network information management system equipped with post-analysis tools for airport traffic 31-12-2017 31-12-2021 Analysis
NIMS-08 strategic and pre-tactical demand-capacity balancing evaluation, simulation and display tools Analysis
NIMS-09 Capacity planning and scenario management equipped with tool to assess the impact of requested flight level changes 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
NIMS-10 Capacity planning and scenario management equipped with sector management tool to assist ATCCs in defining sector configurations 31-12-2006 31-12-2010 Analysis
NIMS-12 Demand Capacity Balancing equipped with a tool to identify and arbitrate multiple imbalance and hotspots 30-08-2026 30-08-2030 Analysis
NIMS-13a Capacity planning and scenario management equipped with tools to identify the possible re-routed flights/flows providing the best benefits 31-12-2010 31-12-2014 Analysis
NIMS-13b Enhanced short term ATFM measures ( STAM) 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
NIMS-13c Full regional support of dDCB 01-04-2023 01-04-2027 Analysis
NIMS-14a Demand Data Repository Phase I 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
NIMS-14b Demand Data Repository Phase II 31-12-2014 31-12-2018 Analysis
NIMS-14c Demand Data Repository Phase III 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
NIMS-17 Provide assistance to flight planning 30-01-2009 30-01-2013 Analysis
NIMS-18 Flight Planning management sub-system enhanced to use the latest airspace information 30-01-2006 31-12-2010 Analysis
NIMS-19 Flight Planning management sub-system enhanced for AFUA 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
NIMS-20 Provision, reception and processing of ATFCM flight progress messages 31-12-2011 31-12-2015 Analysis
NIMS-21a Initial Flight Planning management enhanced to support 4D for Step 1 31-12-2016 31-12-2020 Analysis
NIMS-21b Flight Planning extended with eFPL Distribution service 01-07-2022 01-07-2022 Analysis
NIMS-22 Enhanced performance management sub-system 31-12-2018 31-12-2022 Analysis
NIMS-23 Capacity planning and scenario management equipped with tools integrating SB/MT information, to assist ATS in optimising the use of airport and airspace usable capacity 01-04-2023 01-04-2027 Analysis
NIMS-25 Integration of Airport CDM data into Network DCB sub-system 01-07-2022 01-07-2027 Analysis
NIMS-27 Network DCB sub-system enhanced with improved accuracy of processing real-time data 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
NIMS-29 Network DCB sub-system enhanced for Network Operations Plan (NOP) preparation and dissemination 31-12-2010 31-12-2014 Analysis
NIMS-30 ATFCM scenario management equipped with tools for assessing the impact of DAC and capacity changes on trajectory efficiency 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
NIMS-31 B2B (Business to Business) Web Services - Flight Plan filing and management 31-12-2011 31-12-2015 Analysis
NIMS-32 B2B (Business to Business) Web Service eRAD and eAMI 31-12-2011 31-12-2015 Analysis
NIMS-33 Dedicated tools supporting Airport Slot Monitoring (e.g. Stanly, AMON) 31-12-2010 31-12-2014 Analysis
NIMS-34 Civil-Military performance measurement system 31-12-2011 31-12-2015 Analysis
NIMS-35 Flight Planning management sub-system enhanced to process improved OAT flight plans 31-12-2018 31-12-2022 Analysis
NIMS-36 Enhanced Complexity assessment tools Analysis
NIMS-37 Basic Complexity assessment tools 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
NIMS-38 Calculation and dissemination of the TTO & TTA 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
NIMS-39a Enhancement of ETFMS 31-12-2017 31-12-2024 Analysis
NIMS-39b Enhancement of FOC HMI 31-12-2017 31-12-2025 Analysis
NIMS-40 Use of FO trajectory and constraints in NM systems 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
NIMS-41 NM interface capable to integrate Airport impact assessment 31-12-2021 Analysis
NIMS-42 NM systems enhanced to receive, process and display real-time tactical (ASM level III) airspace usage information 31-12-2016 31-12-2020 Analysis
NIMS-43 Enhanced NM systems to process the Flight Object (FO) data related to the NM cluster including STAM, TTA and EFPL information 31-12-2021 31-12-2025 Analysis
NIMS-44 Evolution of NIMS to support management of UDPP, inclusion of user preferences and priority as part of SBT 31-12-2026 31-12-2032 Analysis
NIMS-45 Initial Flight Planning management enhanced to support initial Mission Trajectory 31-12-2018 31-12-2022 Analysis
NIMS-46 Integrated local DCB working position 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
NIMS-48 Integrated Network Working Position (iNWP) 31-12-2027 31-12-2031 Analysis
NIMS-49 Multiple Constraint Resolver 01-04-2023 01-04-2027 Analysis
NIMS-50 Dynamic route finding and optimisation tool to enable optimal routes usage in the TMA 31-12-2026 31-12-2026 Analysis
NIMS-51 NM systems adaption to support the NPR concept Analysis
NIMS-52 Enhancement of ETFMS for including airport constraints 31-12-2023 31-12-2024 Analysis
NIMS-54 SID, STAR, TT, and Runway Configuration data applied in Initial Flight Plan Processing 31-12-2026 31-12-2026 Analysis
NIMS-55 Dynamic ATC LOAs Integration in NM trajectory 31-12-2026 31-12-2033 Analysis
NIMS-56 NM Interface for UDPP Impact assessment 31-08-2024 31-08-2024 Analysis
NIMS-57 Integration of PFP/eFPL processing into Traffic Demand Management 31-12-2024 31-12-2024 Analysis
PRO-001 FCM Procedures to incorporate information received from multiple sources into the NOP 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-002 ATC procedures to manage the incorporation of Engine-off Taxiing into surface operations Analysis
PRO-003 FCM Procedures to ensure that all partners are aware of decisions taken 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-004 FCM Procedures to ensure that NOP is constantly updated to reflect all changes to the airspace and airspace users planned trajectories 30-01-2009 30-01-2013 Analysis
PRO-005 FCM Procedures to modify NOP in real-time in response to tactical changes to trajectories and airport/airspace capacities 31-12-2011 31-12-2015 Analysis
PRO-006a ATC Procedures to standardise phraseology, altitude usage (airport) Analysis
PRO-006b ATC Procedures to standardise phraseology, altitude usage (TMA and En-route) Analysis
PRO-007 ATC Procedures to standardise selection of local area altimeter Analysis
PRO-008 ATC Procedures to standardise use of QNH (height above sea level) and local elevation Analysis
PRO-009 Military Procedures to identify and release previously reserved airspace back to civil aviation 31-12-2008 31-12-2012 Analysis
PRO-010 Procedures to ensure that all actors involved in the airspace reservations are well aware about the real status of airspace availability and subsequent changes Analysis
PRO-011 ASM Procedures to ensure that the change in airspace availability is promulgated through SWIM and reflected in the NOP 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
PRO-014 Procedures harmonised at pan-European level for the management of the Improved OAT FPL (flight plan filing, validation, acceptance and distribution) 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
PRO-015 Harmonised ATC Procedures for providing a standardized service to OAT flights at pan-European level 31-12-2023 31-12-2027 Analysis
PRO-016 ASM Procedures for the design and promulgation of sectors and sector families based upon traffic patterns 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-017 FCM Procedures to assist the Airspace User in selection of the most optimal trajectory 31-12-2011 31-12-2015 Analysis
PRO-021 ATC Procedures to facilitate the design and utilization of more noise sensitive and efficient SID/STAR routings including CDA and to integrate P-RNAV or RNAV with APV/Baro VNAV capabilities into the TMA route structure Analysis
PRO-022 FCM procedures for collaborating on SBT changes with Airspace Users 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
PRO-024 ASM Procedures related to real-time (tactical) ASM level III information exchange 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
PRO-026 FCM Procedures for the selection of the most appropriate sector configuration based upon demand/capacity 31-12-2006 Analysis
PRO-027 Procedures for ground-ground coordination in case of Trajectory Revision 31-12-2017 31-12-2021 Analysis
PRO-028 Procedures to support AOP-NOP collaborative process 31-12-2019 31-12-2023 Analysis
PRO-029 ATC Procedures to build a sequence and coordinate with other AoR in order to facilitate CCO/CDO 01-07-2017 01-07-2021 Analysis
PRO-030 Procedure to allow ARES reservation from country A to country B Analysis
PRO-032 FCM Procedures to respond to predictable but non-nominal events Analysis
PRO-033 FCM Procedures for systematically incorporating changes to capacity balance as revised information updates the NOP 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-034 FCM Procedures for ensuring all concerned partners are notified about pending changes to the NOP 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-035 FCM Procedures for on-line access/update to the NOP and notification of updates 31-12-2009 31-12-2013 Analysis
PRO-036 FCM Procedures for approval of slot swaps and updating the effected trajectories 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-037 Airline Operational Procedures for assessing the potential benefits to be achieved through a specific slot exchange 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-038 FCM Procedures to enable application of flow management techniques on traffic streams closer to real-time 31-12-2011 31-12-2015 Analysis
PRO-039 FCM Procedures for identifying the appropriate scenario from the catalogue of scenarios and initiating its implementation 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-040 FCM Procedures for initiating dynamic sectorisation responses in collaboration with the ANSP 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-041 FCM Procedures for ameliorating the consequences of a critical event developed in collaboration with the ANSP partners 31-12-2012 31-12-2016 Analysis
PRO-042a ATC Contingency Procedures (En-route and TMA) for ameliorating the consequences of a critical event as well as Procedures for coordinating with operators affected including any adjustments to priority rules Analysis
PRO-042b ATC Contingency Procedures (Airport) for ameliorating the consequences of a critical event as well as Procedures for coordinating with operators affected including any adjustments to priority rules 31-12-2012 31-12-2016 Analysis
PRO-044b ATC Procedures involving protocol for utilization of DataLink communications, message composition, receipt acknowledgement Analysis
PRO-046b ATC Procedures for Using Advanced System Assistance to Medium Term Conflict Detection and Resolution Analysis
PRO-048 ATC Procedures to implement screen to screen coordination for transfer of control conditions Analysis
PRO-049 ATC Procedures to make use of AMAN tool including assigning responsibility for issuing times Analysis
PRO-050 ATC Procedures to increase the use of CDA during busier time periods using AMAN information Analysis
PRO-052 ATC Procedures for extending sequencing for TMA into the en-route sectors Analysis
PRO-054a Operational procedures for separation management in En-Route using RNP specifications Analysis
PRO-058 ATC Procedures for identifying applicable circumstances and implementing a 'climb through' in oceanic or non-radar environment Analysis
PRO-059 ATC Procedures to provide a systematic and common response to ground based Safety Net alerts Analysis
PRO-060 ATC Procedures to provide a common response to down linked airborne TCAS/ACAS alerts Analysis
PRO-062b Airport Operational Procedures implementing Best Practices for Prevention of Runway Incursions 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-062c Airline Operational Procedures implementing Best Practices for Prevention of Runway Incursions 31-12-2007 31-12-2011 Analysis
PRO-066a ATC Procedures to apply new flexibility in application of wake turbulence standards Analysis
PRO-066b ATC Procedures for using time-based separations on approaches Analysis
PRO-067 ATC Procedures for optimising operations on dependent parallel runways Analysis
PRO-069b ATC Approach Procedures with reduced ILS sensitive / critical areas Analysis
PRO-069c ATC Approach Procedures using MLS Analysis
PRO-073 Airport Procedures to maximise throughput of de-icing stands 26-06-2010 26-06-2014 Analysis
PRO-073a Procedures to optimise the de-icing process within the constraints of the operational schedule, the optimal runway use and the local de-icing capacity. 31-12-2022 31-12-2026 Analysis
PRO-075 Airport infrastructure and procedures governing de-icing to isolate surface water systems, collect and dispose of run-off, use the least harmful chemical, reduce the quantities required, reduce delays and increase recovered volumes of fluid 31-12-2008 31-12-2012 Analysis
PRO-076 Procedures for the iSMT in the CDM process