eATM Portal

Deployment Scenario Title

Flight-centric ATC and improved distribution of separation responsibility in ATC

Deployment Scenario Description Flight-centric ATC and improved distribution of separation responsibility in ATC: this activity relates to a concept involving assigning aircraft to ATCOs without reference to geographical sector, and having the aircraft controlled by that same ATCO across two or more geographical sectors. It requires flight-centric specific allocation, visualisation (traffic filtering), coordination tools (e.g. in the event of a conflict, to establish which controller is responsible for its resolution) and, for high traffic densities, advanced conflict detection and resolution (CD&R) tools (that are not flight-centric specific). In addition, it covers the concept of collaborative control with planned boundaries, in which sectors are retained as they are today, with aircraft being assigned to a sector according to its geographical location. The boundaries between sectors have planned coordination conditions, as in current operations, but with some additional flexibility by allowing controllers to issue clearances without prior coordination to aircraft in a different sector.
Essential Operational Change Fully Dynamic and Optimised Airspace
Maturity In development phase: Key R&D Activities
Applicable Operating Environment
Airport Terminal Airspace En-Route Network
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035
Performance Contribution of the DS
Capacity Safety Environment Cost-efficiency Operational efficiency
Stakeholders affected (at least one enabler to be deployed)
ANSP AO AU Network Manager
Civil Military Civil Military Civil Military
APP, ENR, CNS Scheduled, BA Fixed, BA Rotorcraft Transport, Fighter  
SESAR Solutions
Solution Code Solution Title Solution Description Related Elements
PJ.10-01b Flight-Centric ATC Flight-Centric ATC sees the provision of ground-based automated support for managing separation...
PJ.10-06 Generic' (non-geographical) Controller Validations Generic (non-geographical) Controller Validations refer to the development of advanced tools and...
PJ.10-W2-73 Flight-centric ATC and Improved Distribution of Separation Responsibility in ATC The key R&D activity covers a concept that consists of assigning aircraft to ATCOs without...
Operational Improvement Steps
OI Step Code OI Step Title OI Step Description Related Elements
CM-0200-B Flight-centric ATC in Non-Geographically-Constrained, Low and Medium complexity environments In Low and Medium complexity environments above a certain Altitude / Flight Level, depending on...
CM-0200-C Flight-centric ATC in Non-Geographically-Constrained High and very High Complexity environment In High and very High complexity environments, depending on local organization and working...
SDM-0203 Generic' (non-geographical) Controller Validations Advanced automation and other future concepts (e.g. 4D Trajectory management), harmonising ATC...
Enabler Code Enabler Title Enabler Description Related Elements
ER APP ATC 174 ATC System to Support Flight-Centric ATC The ATC system is modified to permit Flight Centric ATC, whereby a flight is assigned to a...
HUM-017 New working methods for operation within FC-ATC Environment Thanks to appropriate training, new HMI solutions and task sharing procedures, ATCO situational...
A/C-31a Controller pilot data link communication (CPDLC) compliant with ATN baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) Data link exchange for ATN/VDL2 baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) i.e. for Departure Clearance,...
A/C-37a Downlink of trajectory data according to contract terms (ADS-C) compliant to ATN baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) Downlink of trajectory data (waypoints or pseudo waypoints with associated constraints and/or...
AAMS-19 Dynamic Airspace Configuration tools for the Integrated local DCB working position To prepare the future integration of DAC and DCB at local level, new Dynamic Airspace...
CTE-C01b New Digital A/G Voice 'The migration from analogue to digital Air-ground voice is carried out provided that an...
NIMS-36 Enhanced Complexity assessment tools Provision of enhanced complexity assessment tools to the traffic manager...