eATM Portal

Essential Operational Changes

This 2020 edition of the European ATM Master Plan introduces nine new Essential Operational Changes top-down as nine essential “game changers”. They are shown here and they are triggering structural evolutions of the European ATM, that are required to deliver the SESAR vision, up to and including its phase C and the “digital European sky” enabling the delivery of the Single European Sky’s objective to implement “more sustainable and better performing aviation”. More...

The EOCs are not independent from each other. In particular, some of them are closely linked to delivering the en-route performance and have been driving the definition of the target architecture, while others bring the essential changes in the other parts of the system.

For learning more about the new Essential Operational Changes, the Chapter 4.2 of the European ATM Master Plan document refers.

Each EOC is supported by SESAR Deployment Scenarios containing solutions contributing to their achievement.

Select from the drop-down menu the Essential Operational Change. Hovering with the mouse over a Deployment Scenario will display further details on it, hovering over a timeline bar will show the associated dates.

The ability to provide air traffic services from a remote location is relevant in all operating environments either it is airport, TMA, extended TMA (E-TMA) or en-route. In TMA, extended TMA and en-route environments, the virtual centre concept allows a geographical sector to be managed from anyplace subject to the availability of some services crucial for the provision of ATS, namely, CNS, MET, AIS and all data related to the flight plan. By using standardised operating methods, procedures and technical equipment, the service will be perceived as a unique system from the user’s perspective. It will be enabled by cloud-based data centres as well as data-processes management and governance remotely provided. In airport environment, the remote tower concept support several use cases that allow the provision of air traffic services from a remote tower centre (RTC), with a dynamic allocation of a number of physical aerodromes to remote tower modules (RTM). It brings new alternatives in the provision of tower related ATS and in some cases benefits on ANS costs. The integration of approach services to these airports through a remote virtual centre is also possible. Some solutions are already in deployment and R&D is continuing on more complex use cases.

Deployment Scenario Timeline Solution Solution V3 Gate
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
Remotely provided ATS for multiple aerodromes
Virtual centre concept
3. In development phase: Key R&D Activities
Delegation of services amongst ATSUs
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.10-W2-93 31-12-2022
HMI interaction modes for ATC centres and airport towers
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.10-W2-96 31-12-2022
Multiple remote towers and remote tower centre
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
PJ.05-W2-35 31-12-2022
4. Additional SESAR Solutions in deployment
ATC and AFIS service in a single low density aerodrome from a remote CWP
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
Remote tower for too low density aerodromes
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
Remotely provided air traffic service for contingency situations at aerodromes
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity
Single remote tower operations for medium traffic volumes
Not Available - To be defined when Solution reaches MP Category
2. In development phase: Key Solutions Approaching Maturity