eATM Portal

DCB-0210 — Full integration of Dynamic Airspace Configurations into DCB

The aim of this OIs is to elaborate the complete DCB solution that includes Dynamic Airspace Configurations combined with 4D constraints to optimally adapt the capacity to the demand and minimise demand adjustments.
Integrated Airspace/4D constraints solutions are obtained through an iterative optimisation and CDM processes involving local, sub-regional and regional levels.
ATM resource (including airspace and ground resources) management efficiency will be improved through a seamless integration of Airspace Management functions and Dynamic Airspace Configurations (DAC) into the advanced DCB and ATC planning processes.

The definition of full integrated airspace/4D constraints solution will enable a seamless and coordinated approach from planning to execution phases.
It requires the development of a new timeline (strategic, pre-tactical, tactical) to adjust the capacity with a better anticipation based on new operating method, role and responsibility.
Integrated workflow and new tools will be designed for the iNWP (Integrated Network Working Position) : airspace configuration optimizer, what-if, messaging, to support CDM processes, as well as local actors, AUs and NM activities.
Forecast V3 end date
Benefits start date (IOC)
Full benefits date (FOC)
Current Maturity Level
V1 finalised
Solution Data Quality Index
Current Maturity Phase
PCP Status

SESAR Solutions

PCP Elements: No associated data

Implementation Objectives: No associated data

ICAO Block Modules: No associated data