eATM Portal

AO-0209 — Enhanced Runway Usage Awareness

The runway usage awareness is enhanced thanks to implementation of the Runway Status Light (RWSL) system (which covers both new procedures and new airfield lights). RWSL is a surveillance driven automatic system that visually indicates to flight crews and vehicle drivers when it is unsafe to enter, use or cross a runway, through new airfield lights which can be composed of Runway Entrance Lights (REL), Take-off Hold Lights (THL) and Runway Intersection Lights (RIL).

Increase awareness of the runway usage to all involved actors, reducing the number of hazardous situations on the runway, e.g. number of the most severe runway incursions (Cat. A and B). The main benefit is related to the increase of runway usage awareness, and consequently an increase of runway safety.
Forecast V3 end date
Benefits start date (IOC)
Full benefits date (FOC)
Current Maturity Level
V3 finalised
Solution Data Quality Index
Current Maturity Phase
PCP Status

Dependent OI Steps: No associated data

SESAR Solutions

PCP Elements: No associated data

Implementation Objectives

Code Title Related Elements
AOP18 Runway Status Lights (RWSL)