eATM Portal

S-AF6.1 — Initial trajectory information sharing (i4D)

Initial Trajectory Information Sharing (i4D) consists of the improved use of target times and trajectory information, including where available the use of on-board 4D trajectory data by the ground ATC system and Network Manager Systems, implying fewer tactical interventions and improved de-confliction situation.
Target times and 4D trajectory data shall be used to enhance ATM system performance.
Trajectory information and target times shall be enhanced by the use of air-ground trajectory exchange.

Deployment Target Date


System Requirements

- Equipped aircraft shall down-link trajectory information using ADS-C Extended Projected Profile (EPP)as part of the ATN B2 services; The trajectory data shall be automatically down-linked from the airborne system shall update the ATM system according to the contract terms
- Data link communications ground systems shall support ADS-C (downlink of aircraft trajectory using EPP) as part of the ATN B2 services
- Flight data processing systems controller working positions and Network Manager systems shall make use of downlinked trajectories
- FDP to FDP trajectory exchange between ATS units as well as between ATS units and the Network Manager systems shall be supported using flight object exchange as defined in AF 5

Geographical Scope

Initial Trajectory Information Sharing shall be deployed in all ATS units providing air traffic services within the airspace for which the Member States are responsible in the ICAO EUR region.

Operational Improvement Steps

Code Title IOC FOC Related Elements
IS-0303-A Downlink of on-board 4D trajectory data to enhance ATM ground system performance: initial and time based implementation 31-12-2022 31-12-2027


Code Title IOC Related Elements Analysis
A/C-33a Class B SATCOM 31-12-2020 Analysis
  A/C-37a Downlink of trajectory data according to contract terms (ADS-C) compliant to ATN baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) 31-12-2021 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-1 ICAO PANS-ATM for initial ADS-C based services 01-01-2008 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-11a New SPR for PM ADS-C services i4D 31-12-2013 Analysis
AGDLS-ATC-AC-11c New IOP for PM ADS-C services i4D 31-12-2013 Analysis
  CTE-C02c A/G Datalink over ATN/OSI - Multi frequency 31-12-2021 Analysis
ER APP ATC 100 4D Trajectory Management by Synchronization of Air and Ground Trajectories through EPP 31-12-2022 Analysis
  ER APP ATC 119 Air/Ground Datalink Communication/Protocols for i4D and Controlled Time of Arrival 31-12-2022 Analysis
ER APP ATC 149a Air-Ground Datalink Exchange to Support i4D - Extended Projected Profile (EPP) 31-12-2022 Analysis
REG-0100 Regulatory Provisions for Datalink Extension (DLS II) 31-12-2019 Analysis
STD-004 Review of ATN B2 standards in WG-78/SC-214 for US/EUR convergence 31-03-2016 Analysis

SESAR Solutions

Implementation Objectives: No associated data