eATM Portal

Deployment Scenario Title

Aeronautical mobile airport communication system (AeroMACS)

Deployment Scenario Description
Essential Operational Change CNS Infrastructure and Services
Maturity Additional SESAR Solutions in deployment
Applicable Operating Environment
Airport Terminal Airspace En-Route Network
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035
Performance Contribution of the DS
Capacity Safety Environment Cost-efficiency Operational efficiency
Stakeholders affected (at least one enabler to be deployed)
ANSP AO AU Network Manager
Civil Military Civil Military Civil Military
TWR, ENR, CNS TWR, CNS APT Operator APT Operator Scheduled, BA Fixed, GA, FOC  
SESAR Solutions
Solution Code Solution Title Solution Description Related Elements
#102 Aeronautical mobile airport communication system (AeroMACS) ATM communications capacity is reaching saturation in Europe due to increasing air traffic...
Operational Improvement Steps
OI Step Code OI Step Title OI Step Description Related Elements
CNS-0001-B Rationalisation of COM systems/infrastructure for SESAR2020 Wave 1 Implement new COM functionalities and/or technologies for CNS systems supporting cost efficiency,...
Enabler Code Enabler Title Enabler Description Related Elements
CTE-C01 A/G Voice radio Existing and New A/G Voice Infrastructure
CTE-C01a Existing Voice radio (VHF 25/8.33KHz) 'VHF 8.33 kHz is mandated in all continental airspace to support increases in traffic. Note: This...
CTE-C01b New Digital A/G Voice 'The migration from analogue to digital Air-ground voice is carried out provided that an...
CTE-C01c SATCOM Voice for ATC (oceanic and Polar) Use of current SATCOM systems (e.g. INMARSAT3, Iridium, SBB, etc.) to support ATC voice...
CTE-C02 A/G Datalink radio A/G DL Infrastructure covering existing (ACARS and VDL2) and future (AEROMACS, LDACS, Future...
CTE-C02a A/G datalink over ACARS (POA/AOA) A-G datalink using POA and AOA (ACARS over AVLC) to support AOC and basic ATC data exchange (DCL,...
CTE-C02b A/G Datalink over ATN/OSI - Single frequency A/G datalink using ATN/OSI over VDL2 to support continental ATC services (SES IR) - ATN/OSI B1,...
CTE-C02c A/G Datalink over ATN/OSI - Multi frequency Enhanced A/G datalink using ATN/OSI over VDL2 to support continental ATC services - ATN/OSI B1...
CTE-C02d New Airport Datalink technology (AEROMACS) New wireless technology for the Airport Datalink AEROMACS over ATN/OSI and ATN/IPS, based on IEEE...
CTE-C02d0 New Airport Datalink technology (AEROMACS) New wireless technology for the Airport Datalink AEROMACS, based on IEEE 802.16 WiMax, as a new...
CTE-C02e New A/G datalink using ATN/IPS over L-band A new terrestrial A-G datalink (LDACS) to augment the VDL2 supported A-G datalink services based...
CTE-C02f Future Satcom for ATM: SATCOM Class B in Multilink A new satellite A/G datalink to provide service redundancy to the existing terrestrial datalink...
CTE-C02h Future Satcom for ATM - Long term Satcom/IRIS ( class A Satcom) A new satellite A-G datalink to provide service redundancy to the new terrestrial datalink.
CTE-C03 Commercial Telecom Infrastructure (SATCOM, Gatelink) Transmission of data (DL) using commercial means on the airport surface (i.e. gatelink) as well...
CTE-C03a Commercial wireless airport surface communication (Gatelink) Commercial wireless technology, based on IEEE 802.11 and standardized for aviation use, deployed...
CTE-C03b Broadband Satcom Datalink (i.e. Global Express) A satellite A/G datalink based on existing Satellite systems, e.g. Global Xpress
CTE-C03c Commercial wireless technologies at the Airport surface (not for safety-critical services) Commercial wireless technologies, such as GPRS, EGDE, 4G, etc, are available for use at the...
CTE-C03d Commercial mobile/cellular telecommunications to support non-safety services for General Aviation Support for general aviation (GA) for non safety services: Use of commercial mobile...
CTE-C04 Future Communication Infrastructure - ATN/IPS and Multilink Evolution of the Ground part of A/G infrastructure to support multi-link (IP Router)
CTE-C05 Ground ATS Voice Ground voice ATS communications using VoIP
CTE-C05a VoIP for ground telephony Voice over IP (VoIP), based on ED137B VOL2:TELEPHONY, is deployed for ATM ground telephony...
CTE-C05b Digital Voice / VoIP for ground segment of Air-Ground voice Voice over IP (VoIP), based on ED137B VOL1:RADIO, is deployed for the Ground-Ground segment of...
CTE-C06 Ground ATM Data communication Network An IP-based secured network communication service for the connected ANSPs, NM systems (incl. EAD)...
CTE-C06a PENS - Phase 1 PENS provides a common IP-based secured network service for the connected ANSPs, NM systems...
CTE-C06b PENS - Phase 2 PENS phase 1 and in addition connectivity to other ATM Users and new datalink systems (SATCOM,...
CTE-C06c AMHS Migration to AMHS (ATS Message Handling System) from AFTN is carried out to improve regional,...
CTE-C06d Gateway for CIV/MIL Interoperability Information exchange gateways/interfaces supporting military aircraft equipped to exchange ATN/B1...
CTE-CGOV01 Data communications Service Provision for ATS and AOC services A/G Communications Service Provision under contractual agreements with ANSPs/AOs
CTE-CGOV02 Data and voice Communications Service Provision for ATS and AOC services A/G Communications Service Provision under contractual agreements with CSPs
CTE-CGOV03 Telco service provider for IP data network supporting ATM services G/G Communications Service Provision under contractual agreements with ANSPs/AOs as required