eATM Portal

Deployment Scenario Title

Digital evolution of integrated surface management

Deployment Scenario Description Digital evolution of integrated surface management: this covers the development (e.g. using new algorithms, AI/expert systems) of procedures and the required system support for improved surface traffic management, including the extension of the A-SMGCS routing functions and the integration of inputs from airport DCB processes. This Solution will also include the provision of guidance assistance to both pilots and vehicle drivers using AGL, consolidation of related procedures, exchange of information between ATC and vehicles/aircrafts using airport datalink services, and other means of guidance.
Essential Operational Change Airport and TMA performance
Maturity In development phase: Key R&D Activities
Applicable Operating Environment
Airport Terminal Airspace En-Route Network
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035
Performance Contribution of the DS
Capacity Safety Environment Cost-efficiency Operational efficiency
Stakeholders affected (at least one enabler to be deployed)
ANSP AO AU Network Manager
Civil Military Civil Military Civil Military
TWR, APP, CNS, MET TWR, APP, CNS, MET APT Operator APT Operator Scheduled, BA Fixed, BA Rotorcraft, GA, FOC Transport, Fighter, Light, WOC, Network Manager
SESAR Solutions
Solution Code Solution Title Solution Description Related Elements
PJ.02-W2-21 Digital evolution of integrated surface management The R&D activity covers the development (e.g. using new algorithms, artificial intelligence /...
PJ.03a-01 Enhanced Guidance Assistance to Aircraft and Vehicles on the Airport Surface Combined with Routing Enhanced Guidance Assistance to Aircraft and Vehicles on the Airport Surface Combined with...
PJ.03b-01 Enhanced Airport Safety Nets for Controllers Enhanced Airport Safety Nets for Controllers: Safety alerts for controllers detect potential and...
Operational Improvement Steps
OI Step Code OI Step Title OI Step Description Related Elements
AO-0104-B Extended Airport Safety Nets for Controllers at A-SMGCS Airports Airport safety is improved at A-SMGCS Airports thanks to detection of potential and actual...
AO-0108 Airport Safety Nets for Controllers at Secondary Airports Airport Safety is improved at Secondary Airports thanks to detection of potential and actual...
AO-0109 Enhanced Airport Safety thanks to Time Critical Weather Alerts Airport operational safety is improved thanks to an enhanced weather alerting system supporting...
AO-0110 Airport Safety Enhanced by Prediction and by Detection of Adverse Traffic Patterns based on Ground Surveillance Appropriate safety alerts are provided to the Tower Ground Controller by an ATC Tower System...
AO-0206 Enhanced Guidance Assistance to Airport Vehicle Driver Combined with Routing The system provides to the Vehicle Drivers the display of dynamic traffic context information...
AO-0215 Airport ATC provision of ground-related clearances and information to vehicle drivers via datalink Improved efficiency of surface operations thanks to automated exchange between Vehicle Drivers...
AO-0222-B Full Guidance Assistance to mobiles using 'Follow the Greens' procedures based on Airfield Ground Lighting (aprons/taxiways/runways) Using Airfield Ground Lighting, mobiles will be guided along their cleared route, taking into...
AO-0223-B Enhanced Safety in LVP through use of Dynamic Virtual Block Control In low visibility conditions, the tower controller working positions are provided with Dynamic...
AO-0224 Advanced Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface Movement Planning and Routing The System provides the controller with the most suitable taxi route, calculated by: - optimizing...
AUO-0308-B Datalink Services used for Provision of Ground-related Clearances and Information for trajectory based operations Exchange between Flight Crew and Controller using datalink (adapted to a trajectory based...
AUO-0603-B Guidance Assistance to Aircraft on the Airport Surface Combined with Routing for trajectory based operations The system provides the Flight Crew with a display of the airport layout (showing taxiways,...
Enabler Code Enabler Title Enabler Description Related Elements
A/C-24 Airport moving map and own aircraft position display in cockpit. Airport moving map and own aircraft position display in cockpit.
A/C-31a Controller pilot data link communication (CPDLC) compliant with ATN baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) Data link exchange for ATN/VDL2 baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) i.e. for Departure Clearance,...
A/C-42a On-board graphical display of taxi clearance (up linked or via voice) using common air/ground airport database On-board graphical display of taxi clearance (up linked or via voice) using common air/ground...
A/C-42c On-board management of dynamic update of runway/taxiway status On-board management of dynamic update of runway/taxiway status from D-ATIS or D-NOTAM.
AERODROME-ATC-02b Surface movement management tools updated to provide the data-link information to the pilot for Trajectory Based Operations Workstation equipped with tools to provide the Controller with air-ground data link communication...
AERODROME-ATC-03a Runway monitoring and conflict alerting (RMCA) system based on alternative aerodrome surveillance Runway monitoring and conflict alerting (RMCA) system, based on alternative aerodrome...
AERODROME-ATC-06a Alternative aerodrome surveillance incorporating the function that detects Conflicting ATC Clearances (CATC) for runway operations The Alternative Aerodrome Surveillance Safety Support Service incorporates the function for the...
AERODROME-ATC-06b A-SMGCS incorporating the function that detects Conflicting ATC Clearances (CATC) on the entire airport surface The A-SMGCS Safety Support Service incorporates advanced tools for the detection of potential and...
AERODROME-ATC-07a Alternative aerodrome surveillance incorporating the function that provides Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers (CMAC) on the movement area The alternative aerodrome surveillance Safety Support Service incorporates the function CMAC for...
AERODROME-ATC-07b A-SMGCS incorporating the function that provides an advanced set of Conformance Monitoring Alerts for Controllers (CMAC) on the movement area The A-SMGCS Safety Support Service incorporates advanced tools for the detection of potential and...
AERODROME-ATC-12b Provision of optimised taxi routes for mobiles on the movement area Workstation equipped with tools: - automatically generating optimised surface routes for...
AERODROME-ATC-14 Surface movement management tools updated to provide ground clearances and information to the vehicle driver Workstation equipped with surface movement management tools updated for the Controller to be able...
AERODROME-ATC-50 Advanced Airport Tower Controller Working Position (A-CWP) Advanced Airport Tower CWP integrating updates on current HMI functionalities (Configuration,...
AERODROME-ATC-61b Advanced surface guidance management services to process the automatic triggering of airport ground signs and lighting according to the route issued by ATC Surface guidance management services enhanced to process the automatic triggering of airport...
AERODROME-ATC-86 Workstation equipped with 'bubble separation' or 'spacing' tools for monitoring the reduction of spacing between two aircraft Workstation equipped with 'bubble separation' or 'spacing' tools for monitoring the reduction of...
AERODROME-ATC-89 Controller working position equipped with tools providing time critical weather alerts The ATC Tower System incorporates an advanced tool for the detection of time critical...
AERODROME-ATC-90 ATC Tower System equipped with Taxiway Conflict Detection The ATC Tower System incorporates an advanced tool for the detection of potentially conflicting...
AIRPORT-01 In-vehicle access to ground clearances and information The system allows the vehicle driver to access (through a display) to ground clearances and...
AIRPORT-30 Use of airport wireless communication infrastructure for mobile data' Use of wireless communications infrastructure to handle the data traffic between mobile and fixed...
AIRPORT-44 On-board vehicle display for taxi information and clearances, using common airport map database On-board vehicle display to show the of taxi-routes, ground clearances and information(provided...
  CTE-C02d New Airport Datalink technology (AEROMACS) New wireless technology for the Airport Datalink AEROMACS over ATN/OSI and ATN/IPS, based on IEEE...
CTE-S03f New ADS-B receiver for vehicles ADS-B in receiver
AERODROME-ATC-12 Provision of automatically generated taxi routes for aircraft and vehicles Workstation equipped with tools: - automatically generating surface routes for individual mobiles...
AERODROME-ATC-23a Enhanced A-SMGCS Core Surveillance function for new A-SMGCS Services Enhanced A-SMGCS Surveillance function (improved Surveillance performance regarding the coverage...
AERODROME-ATC-91 ATC Tower System equipped with Traffic Density Estimation ATC Tower System equipped with Traffic Density Estimation, enhancing TCD performances by...
AIMS-16 Electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (TOD) The purpose is to ensure the availability of electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data .
CTE-C02b A/G Datalink over ATN/OSI - Single frequency A/G datalink using ATN/OSI over VDL2 to support continental ATC services (SES IR) - ATN/OSI B1,...
CTE-C02e New A/G datalink using ATN/IPS over L-band A new terrestrial A-G datalink (LDACS) to augment the VDL2 supported A-G datalink services based...
CTE-C02f Future Satcom for ATM: SATCOM Class B in Multilink A new satellite A/G datalink to provide service redundancy to the existing terrestrial datalink...
CTE-C02h Future Satcom for ATM - Long term Satcom/IRIS ( class A Satcom) A new satellite A-G datalink to provide service redundancy to the new terrestrial datalink.
CTE-C03a Commercial wireless airport surface communication (Gatelink) Commercial wireless technology, based on IEEE 802.11 and standardized for aviation use, deployed...
CTE-C03b Broadband Satcom Datalink (i.e. Global Express) A satellite A/G datalink based on existing Satellite systems, e.g. Global Xpress
CTE-C03c Commercial wireless technologies at the Airport surface (not for safety-critical services) Commercial wireless technologies, such as GPRS, EGDE, 4G, etc, are available for use at the...
CTE-C04 Future Communication Infrastructure - ATN/IPS and Multilink Evolution of the Ground part of A/G infrastructure to support multi-link (IP Router)
CTE-S02b Surface Movement Radar Independent Non Cooperative Surveillance for airport surface using Surface Movement Radar
CTE-S03b ADS-B station for RAD and APT surveillance ADS-B station for provision of Radar and Airport surveillance, compliant with EUROCAE ED129A and ...
CTE-S03e ADS-B transmitter for vehicles Non transponder device for transmission of ADS-B data in vehicles.
CTE-S04b Airport Multilateration (MLAT) Multilateration technology for the provision of independent cooperative surveillance in Airports.
METEO-03c Provision and monitoring of real-time airport weather information for time-based separation and curved approaches ATM-MET ground based sub-system dedicated to acquire, collect, combine, provide and monitor...
METEO-04c Generate and provide MET information relevant for Airport and approach related operations at short notice ('time to decision' between 3 minutes and 7days) including rotorcraft and RPAS The ATM-MET system is acquiring, generating, assembling and providing Meteorological (MET)...
REG-0200 Safety Targets in Relation to Reductions of Runway Incursions Formal requirements for safety targets in relation to reductions of runway incursions to be met...