eATM Portal

Deployment Scenario Title

Controlled time of arrival (CTA) in medium density / medium complexity environment

Deployment Scenario Description
Essential Operational Change Trajectory Based Operations
Maturity Additional SESAR Solutions in deployment
Applicable Operating Environment
Airport Terminal Airspace En-Route Network
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035
Performance Contribution of the DS
Capacity Safety Environment Cost-efficiency Operational efficiency
Stakeholders affected (at least one enabler to be deployed)
ANSP AO AU Network Manager
Civil Military Civil Military Civil Military
TWR, APP, ENR, SWIM, MET TWR, APP, ENR, MET, SWIM APT Operator APT Operator Scheduled, BA Fixed, BA Rotorcraft, GA, FOC Transport, Fighter, WOC Network Manager
SESAR Solutions
Solution Code Solution Title Solution Description Related Elements
#06 Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA) in Medium density / medium complexity environment The CTA (Controlled Time of Arrival) is an ATM imposed time constraint on a defined point...
Operational Improvement Steps
OI Step Code OI Step Title OI Step Description Related Elements
TS-0103 Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA) in medium density/complexity environment The CTA (Controlled Time of Arrival) is an ATM imposed time constraint on a defined point...
Enabler Code Enabler Title Enabler Description Related Elements
APP ATC 148 System Support For Controlled Time of Arrival (CTA) The arrival manager is modified to be able to sequence and space arrival flights by use of CTA....
BTNAV-STD-02 Navigation Performance in ICAO provisions for Enhanced CTA Update of Doc 4444 PANS-ATM and PBN Manual Doc 9613 for enhanced CTA
  ER APP ATC 119 Air/Ground Datalink Communication/Protocols for i4D and Controlled Time of Arrival Enhance the air/ground data communications to support the reception and transmission of messages...
REG-0100 Regulatory Provisions for Datalink Extension (DLS II) Interoperability of data link systems, constituents and associated procedures deployed in a...
  A/C-11 Flight management and guidance for improved single time constraint achievement (CTA/CTO) Flight management and guidance for improved control loop on a single time constraint (Controlled...
  A/C-31a Controller pilot data link communication (CPDLC) compliant with ATN baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) Data link exchange for ATN/VDL2 baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) i.e. for Departure Clearance,...
  A/C-37a Downlink of trajectory data according to contract terms (ADS-C) compliant to ATN baseline 2 (FANS 3/C) Downlink of trajectory data (waypoints or pseudo waypoints with associated constraints and/or...
AGDLS-ATC-AC-14d New SPR for data link exchange of instructions or clearances related to CTA allocation (4DTRAD) On-going work of WG78/SC214
AGDLS-ATC-AC-15d New IOP for data link exchange of instructions or clearances related to CTA allocation (4DTRAD) On-going work of WG78/SC214
AGDLS-STD-01 ICAO provisions for CPDLC for IM ICAO provisions for CPDLC supporting Interval Management (optional) (Doc 10037 - GOLD Manual for...
ER APP ATC 100 4D Trajectory Management by Synchronization of Air and Ground Trajectories through EPP ATC system updates the planned trajectory with data contained in the EPP.
ER APP ATC 149a Air-Ground Datalink Exchange to Support i4D - Extended Projected Profile (EPP) Air/Ground datalink management is modified to support the acquisition of the EPP via ADS-C. The...
  ER APP ATC 149b Air-Ground Datalink Exchange to Support i4D - ETA min/max Air/Ground datalink management is modified to support the acquisition of ETA min/max through ADS-C.
  ER APP ATC 149c Air-Ground Datalink Exchange to Support i4D - Controlled Time of Arrival/Overflight (CTA/CTO) Air/Ground datalink management is modified to support the delivery of CTA/CTO using CPDLC.
ER APP ATC 160 ATC to ATC Flight Data Exchange Using The Flight Object Implement ground-ground flight data exchange between ATC units through the use of Flight Object...
ER ATC 163 Support to En-route delay absorption for cross-border implementation of arrival sequence The system supports ATCO for smoother En-route delay absorption in C-ATSU prior to traffic being...
PRO-118 ATC Procedures for use of CTA across several AoRs ATC Procedures developed for the use of CTA management involving protocol for coordinating with...
STD-066 ICAO Provisions for ATN Baseline 2 Annex 10 SARPS for ATNB2 PANS-ATM for ATNB2 (Doc 4444
STD-076 ICAO DOC 9880 Manual on detailed Technical Specifications for the ATN/OSI
  SWIM-APS-05a Provision and Consumption of Flight Object Sharing services Provision and Consumption of Flight Object Sharing services (In line with AIRM and ISRM)...
SWIM-INFR-01a High Criticality SWIM Services infrastructure Support and Connectivity. Provision of the additional functionality needed by the individual Stakeholder to support their...
SWIM-NET-01a SWIM Network Point of Presence Provision of the individual stakeholder's point of presence onto the common/interconnected...
SWIM-STD-01 AIRM The ATM Information Reference Model in ICAO Provisions as means for achieving (cross-domain)...
SWIM-STD-02 ISRM Rulebook In order to achieve interoperable information services, the work on the logical service models...
SWIM-SUPT-01a SWIM Supporting Registry Provisions Provision, by specific stakeholders, of Register functionality to support the use of SWIM...
SWIM-SUPT-03a SWIM Supporting Security Provisions Provision, by specific stakeholder(s) of functionality to support the use of Security Keys for...
SWIM-SUPT-05a SWIM Supporting IP Network Bridging Provisions Provision, by specific stakeholders, of the functionality to provide bridging between separate...